Monday, April 7, 2014

List of Fermented Foods for Healthy Gut

by Amy Goodrich
Fermented foods are becoming one of the new probiotic powerhouses to boost the good gut bacteria and improve digestive, cardiovascular and immune health. In this article I will give you a list of fermented foods for healthy gut. Our gut is the biggest part of our immune system and fermented foods will help you to heal and restore gut imbalances. And indeed, probiotics and fermented foods are one of the best foods to cleanse your colon.

Our body is made out of 100 trillion bacteria that help us to stay healthy. These days common household products, cosmetics, antibiotics, and chemical laden fast foods are damaging and killing those beneficial bacteria, causing health issues and diseases. 

Luckily, fermented foods can undo the damage and restore the balance of your internal gut flora to keep your body healthy and free of diseases. You can read here more about the 5 reasons your digestive system doesn’t function properly and what to do about it.

What Are Fermented Foods

Lacto-fermentation is a process where micro-organisms – such as bacteria, yeast or molds – break down proteins and carbohydrates in food. The process preserves the food and creates lactic acid, enzymes, vitamins, omega-3 and probiotics. Natural fermentation preserves the nutrients and makes it more digestible.

Although the fermentation of food is an ancient technique known by almost all cultures, these days those foods are lost to our modern society and processed foods took their place.

Why You Should Be Eating Fermented Foods?

Fermented foods are good for your overall health. They introduce good bacteria into your digestive system and help you to restore the balance. They improve bowel health, aid digestion, and improve and support your immune and nerve system.

When combined with a healthy, whole food diet, fermented foods help you to absorb more nutrients from the food you eat. But not only will they help you to absorb more nutrients, they add lots of beneficial nutrients of their own. Those nutrients include B vitamins (vitamin B12 included), omega-3 fatty acids, enzymes and lactic acid.

Lacto-fermentation allows you to store foods for longer periods without the loss of nutrients, and they won’t cost you a fortune. Most of them can be made at home for a few pennies per serving.

Top 10 Fermented Foods For You To Try

  1. Yogurt or kefir are made with live beneficial cultures. But keep in mind many store bought yogurts or kefirs contain lots of additives and sugar, so make sure to buy plain yogurt or make your own. If you try to avoid dairy, try coconut yogurt instead.
  2. Kombucha is fermented black tea that contains a wide range of beneficial gut microorganisms.
  3. Sauerkraut, or fermented cabbage is easy to make. The only thing you need is cabbage and salt.
  4. Pickles are well known and loved by many people. These days they are often made with vinegar.
  5. Miso is a paste made from fermented soybeans and grains. They are full of essential minerals, vitamins and consist out of millions of beneficial microorganisms.
  6. Tempeh, another form of fermented soybeans is full of protein and amino acids.
  7. Kimchi is a traditional Korean dish made from fermented cabbage, just like sauerkraut but spicier. It improves digestion and nutrient assimilation, and is known to improve the look of your skin and boost energy.
  8. Fish sauce is made from mashed up fish, packed in salt. Make sure to buy the right stuff, as some fish sauces are made through a chemical process instead of natural fermentation.
  9. Vinegar is made through fermenting wine or cider with a bacterial culture.
  10. Cultured butter or cheese are made from soured milk or cream.
Making your own fermented foods is cheap and easy, but if you decide to purchase them make sure they are raw and unpasteurized. Pasteurization kills the good bacteria.

When you decide to add more fermented foods to your diet to improve your intestinal flora, start slowly and allow your body to get used to them.