Sunday, July 14, 2013

Garden update & harvest 7/13/13

  7/13/13 - the first lettuce is still blooming and giving me plenty to continue harvesting!
 7/13/13 - lettuce
 7/13/13 - lettuce
 7/13/13 - lettuce
 7/13/13 - lettuce
 7/13/13 - chamomile blooming wonderfully
 7/13/13 - lots of raspberries in the background
 7/13/13 - today's harvest...5 kinds of lettuce, curled Scotch kale, Sugar Ann snap peas, holy basil, raspberries and chamomile
 7/13/13 - harvested raspberries
 7/13/13 - harvested chamomile
 7/13/13 - dinner from freshly picked lettuce:)