Some will say that spices worth a lot more than gold (metaphorically
speaking). Various cultures and civilization throughout time defined
their ways of food processing with spices. Spices were one, and still
are, the main trading good among countries and continents. We cannot
imagine a good cooking
without spices. It is great to know that spices contain one of the best
combinations – extraordinary taste and healthy nutrition. Here are
some of the best spices in the world which, along with their taste,
bring their healthy nutrients with them.
1. Cumin
Cumin spice is a great fighter against stomach ulcer, or to be precise –
a Heliocobacter pylory bacteria. They are a great source of iron and
help lower the glucose levels in the body. Black cumin, also known as
nigella sativa, is very effective against arthritis; it reduces
2. Cinnamon
Cinnamon contains calcium,
iron, fiber and manganese. It also contains substances which are very
effective in protecting cells from radicals (substances inside the body
that destroy cells). Cinnamon can regulate the blood glucose, blood
pressure, reduce HbA1cm diastolic blood pressure and systolic blood
Cinnamon is known for acting like a “sweet tooth”. A lot of people use it as an exchange for sugar in coffee or tea.
3. Capsaicin
Capsaicin is able to reduce pain and make you fit in your tight clothes.
This comes from the capsaicin’s capability of reducing appetite and
suppressing body fat accumulation. But don’t think that you can change
your entire workout program with Capsaicin; they help not do all the
work of weight loss.
4. Oregano
The antioxidants in the Oregano fight against many bacteria in the body.
Carvacrol, a phytochemical which is in the Oregano, has shown some
antibacterial specifications.
5. Ginger
Zingerone and Shogaol, are the two phytochemicals in Ginger Spice which
possess anti0inflammatory and anti-tussive properties. They are great
easer of cold or flu congestions and coughs.
6. Rosemary
The risk of Cancer is lower with the consumption of Rosemary. It has the
ability to interfere with candidiasis growth; it possesses
antibacterial and antifungal activity; and it is a spice full of