Tuesday, May 7, 2013

10 Tips For a Successful Relationship

Ask Teal Website - http://www.askteal.com
Relationships are the real heart of expansion... Which means they are the most contrasting experiences we have in our human lives. They are the source of our greatest joy and the source of our greatest misery.

Relationships create the means for our personal evolution. And so in order to have successful relationships, we need to learn how to flow with the current of that change. We need to learn how to cultivate harmony while allowing that change within us to take place.

Talk about difficult. It is the work of several lifetimes. Unconditional love is an exchangeable term with enlightenment. And so it is a thing we will be practicing for the rest of our lives. Some days you'll have an easier time with it than others.

In this episode Teal shares ten tips, which will help us to have successful, enjoyable relationships.

Feed people you are in a relationship love every day...
Attention- find time each day to give them a bit of your undivided attention
Affection- find time each day to show them a little bit of affection
Appreciation- find time each day to give them verbal gratitude or verbal validation

These 3 As are ways to feed a relationship a bit of love each day
If this doesn't come naturally, set an alarm at a random interval and choose one to act upon, send a loving text, bring home a gift, give a hug etc.

Humans have 5 basic ways in which they express love to each other:
Words of Affirmation
Physical touch
Acts of Service
Quality time

When in a relationship with someone, either romantic of friendship, you need to learn to speak the love language of the person.  We all come in with a primare love language, the strongest way we give and receive love (acknowldege love being received).  

So to be in a happy relationship, find out what that primary love language is of the person and meet that love language, learn how to speak it.  This way you can better aknowledge when they are showing you love.  Also it's ok to ask them to show you love in the way you best speak the language of love.  Example, if you feel loved when someone confides in you once in awhile letting you know how they're doing, to meet that need for them text them now and then to let them know how your day is going.  This only strengthens a relationship.

It's important to know the love language spoken in a relationship, on both sides, because you may be trying to speak the language of love you speak and it may go unnoticed by the other person and vise versa, and there is a disconnect.