Sunday, July 22, 2012

Negative effects of GMO


 Following up on yesterday's blog, here are a few summarized reasons why GMOs are not a good thing, and you don't want to consume genetically modified organisms, as in the canola oil previously discussed.

1. Toxicity
Apparently they have GMO Christmas trees that glow in the dark. Slightly cool, but kind of disturbing. They can also make pigs glow in the dark by injecting them with jellyfish.

2. Allergic reactions
Our bodies were not built to recognize and consume GMOs. They are foreign substances in our digestive system and in our bloodstream.

3. Antibiotic resistance
Many plants are engineered to become resistant. We consume those same toxins and may in turn develop resistances.

4. Cancer
GMOs are an offense to our cells. They depress our immune system and may allow for the onset of cancer.

5. Immuno-suppresion
Our immune system doesn’t recognize GMOs. It works to expel them from our bodies as soon as possible, and has less time to work towards our general well being.
Besides the above, GMOs have a negative effect on nature. It upsets the balance of the earth, harms wild plants, and disturbs the life cycle of wild animals.


After learning the above, you can choose to make some changes, as I have chosen to do having learned this information. They’re small, but it makes a difference.
  1. Choose not to buy or use anything that contains canola.
  2. Choose not to buy or use any Kellogg’s products.
  3. Look at the produce stickers on my fruits and vegetables. Just in case.
  4. Choose to stay away from processed foods, as they are most likely GMO (remember no requirements yet to label!
GMOs are a big scary topic, which is why I have many blog posts discussing it. But even without labeling, most of us can incorporate small changes to eat more naturally:)
Start growing your own food has been the biggest, and most beneficial change I have currently made to better my quality of life and health! How will you better your health today?