Monday, October 31, 2011

Raw Chia Breakfast (dessert)

Raw Chia Cereal/Pudding

Ingredients: 2 servings
  • 2 tbs of chia
  • 2 1/2 cups almond milk
  • 1 tsp of cocoa powder
  • 1 tsp mesquite powder
  • 1 tsp maca powder
  • dash of cinnamon
  • 1 banana
  • 6 prunes (cut in small pieces) Raisins or dates could work too
  • small handful of mixed nuts, chopped (almonds, pecans & walnuts)

Combine almond milk with powders and blend (I like to use my blender to make sure there are no powder lumps.

Cut banana into small bite size pieces (I usually cut the banana in half, for equal amounts per serving), and put nuts in a small bowl broken up as well, then I stick both in the freezer to stay cool while I wait for the chia to gel up a little.  I then pour half the almond mix blend into a bowl, and leave the rest in the blender cup. I add 1 Tbs of chia to each and stir. 

Then stick both in freezer for 20-30 minutes until it thickens up a little.  The chia will gel up a little, and a small freezing crust will form around the bowl. You can stir a few times during the waiting time if you please.  Teh almond milk in the blender cup doesn't freeze up as fast, so it's perfect by the time I'm ready for my second helping:)  There are only 35 calories in one cup of unsweetened silk almond milk, so I have no problem consuming the 2 1/4 cups of almond milk! Just 87 calories (less than one cup of skim milk.

Take it out of the fridge, mix in the banana, prunes and nuts and it's then ready to eat!
Most ingredients...
The rest of the ingredients...cinnamon, mesquite and Maca
 Adding the bananas, nuts and prunes
So yummy! When I got done I wanted another bowl! (so my current routine is to make it with double the amount of milk). With the full 2Tbs of chia and chilling in the fridge this version turns out to be a more gel like consistency...kinda like a pudding.  In this photo I used 1 1/2 cup of almond milk, and put the whole banana, 5 prunes and 2Tbs of chia in one bowl...but now I put half all the ingredients between 2 bowls, just using double the almond milk. 1 1/4 cup of almond milk per serving.
This photo is also not taken after freezing, but after being in the fridge. But after making it many times, I now always stick it in the freezer. Below is an updated photo of what my chia breakfast looks like.
 The 2 serving chilled version with toppings before mixing in...

Then mixed up..the slushiness of the  almond milk give this a dessert taste and feel

Chia seed- Rich in protein, minerals and fiber, chia seeds also contain 500% more calcium than milk and the same amount of omega-3s as wild salmon. In addition, studies have identified chia as a cancer-fight. Chia seeds also have an appetite-suppressing quality, making them an ideal food to incorporate into your weight-loss regimen.