Thursday, September 8, 2011

Weight Loss

Weight Loss and Health

Losing weight is not about finding a quick fix -- it's about finding a lifestyle and the habits that will work best for you long-term. You'll be amazed at how quickly your body responds to the right foods and exercise. Dr. Oz explains how.

Firstly, your health size is mainly determined by your waist size.
View this chart to see what your ideal healthy weight size should be for optimal health

Height—Waist size
5’2”—31 inches
5’5”—32.5 inches
5’8” —34 inches
5’11”—35.5 inches
6’2”—37 inches

Calculate how many inches tall you are and divide it by 2…that should be your waist size or less.
Example- I am  5’4” (turn it into inches)5 times by 12 (and add the 4 inches)= 64 divide by 2 = 32. 
So my waist should be less than 32 inches.
To measure your waste- Suck in your belly (yes squeeze out as much air to get an accurate measurement) and measure around your belly button.

Dr. Oz clip explaining

     Lifesaving numbers you need to know
·         Weight
·         Waist size
·         Blood pressure
·         Cholesterol
·         Fasting blood sugar

These 5 numbers are all related to your health and weight

     Some weight loss action steps to take
·         Start with a high fiber breakfast
·         Keep snacks smaller than fist
·         No food within 3hrs of bedtime
·         Move at least 30 minutes a day

In order to lose fat you need to build some muscles to get the job done
Do some muscle toning exercises such as squats
Inflammatory food such s sugar expand belly fat, so try avoid them
Add green tea to your life

     Basic daily supplement recommendation
·         A basic daily Multivitamin
·         Vitamin D with calcium magnesium (most multivitamins don’t come with enough vitamin D)
·         DHA Omega 3 – like cod liver oil

Dr. Oz’s Health Drink

Quick workouts

Dr. Oz’s seven minute workout (yoga based)

When you choose to lose weight your main focus should actually be getting your body healthier, and in turn extending your life expectancy

Dr. Oz on Living Longer

When it comes to longevity, it's not all up to chance. There are choices you can make.
Dr. Oz explains what you can do to live a longer and more vital life.
Follow these 5 tips to extend your life…

1.       Reduce High Blood Pressure
2.       Stop Smoking (you Need to eliminate toxins from your body)
3.       Exercise 30 minutes a day (our bones respond to workouts making us less frail) Walking is great
4.       Easy to love healthy diet (make it a life change not a fad diet)
5.       Coping with stress (deep belly breathing is a Great way to release stress)

NineWays to Lose Weight at Home

  1. Maintain a Food Dairy: Most of the time, we are unaware of what we put in our mouth. Jotting down each and every morsel of food and snack you eat as well as the time you had them throughout the day may seem like a headache in the beginning, but in the long run will prove to be worth the effort. For one, you will have a record of what you ate. You will also know the time you put something in your mouth the last time. As much as you don't want to overeat, you also don't want to leave long gaps without food. Also, you will become aware of your weekend binges and emotional binges. It becomes easier to modify a habit when you have a clear-cut idea as to which ones to modify.
  2. Jog During Commercial Breaks: Make good use of the commercial breaks you get between your favorite TV serials. Get out of the couch during the commercial breaks and do some vigorous jogging, skipping, or dancing if you please, but it should make your heart rate and respiratory rate go up. Experts say that just by doing this, you could lose up to 270 calories a day if you watch 2 hours of TV a day and every commercial break is spent engaging in exercise!
  3. Never Forego the Opportunity to Walk: When you go for grocery shopping, before you actually select your goods, take one or two rounds around the store just looking at things. After that, start picking up your requirements. This way, you will get some extra leg-work, because once you have filled your trolley you are sure to head towards the billing counter.
  4. Do Mini Workouts at Home: You can stock some not-so-expensive exercise equipments at home, such as a stability ball, resistance bands, a stepper, or even a stationary bike if you can afford it. This way, you can incorporate 10-minute workouts in between your household chores. Exercising on a stationary bike can be done even while watching TV.
  5. Do Household Chores Yourself: Household chores like washing clothes, washing utensils, sweeping, mopping, etc., can become a fantastic exercise regimen in itself. A lot of calories can be lost just by doing all the chores yourself without depending on the maid. Just keep some music and get on with the work and see how it becomes interesting apart from lending you the much-needed exercise.
  6. Buy a Pedometer: Pedometer is a small device that records the number of steps you take, the kilometers covered, and the calories lost. Wearing a pedometer while going out will actually motivate you to take a few extra steps each day.
  7. Follow the 1-km Rule: With petrol prices hitting the roof, this one will be a case of "2 birds in 1 shot." Don't take out your car or scooter to go to pay your bills or when going to the bank, if the place falls within a kilometer distance. Walk it up, save petrol, burn calories!
  8. Savor Your High-Calorie Treat: Normally, we have the tendency to gobble down our favorite treats in seconds. Now play a small game with yourself. Whenever you eat a high calorie treat, take it in a bowl or plate and sit down at a table. Admire the look of it, slowly smell it. Take a small bite and chew it, swirling it all around your mouth. Be aware of the texture and taste as you do this. After that, ask yourself if you want more of it. Chew the next bite double the number of times, about 15 to 20 times! If you want, you can finish the treat, but take at least 10 minutes to do it, in the same manner. Doing this will not only help you appreciate the taste and aroma of your treat, but also eat less. Experts say that when you are mindful of how your food actually tastes like, you tend to be more satisfied with it, and will not overeat.
  9. Sleep to Lose Weight: We require at least 8 hours of sleep every night. However, nowadays, computer, internet, and TV are robbing us off our night sleep. Scientists say that even some nights of sleep deprivation can result in weight gain. Avoid daytime sleeps or long naps. Once you regularize your sleep-wake cycle, you will see the difference in your weight.
In a way, it is going back to the basics. Let us accept the fact that our ancestors were healthier than us. Being mindful of our habits helps us tackle any flaws in it. To help cultivate the "mindfulness" habit, try meditation.