Friday, September 2, 2011

Best way to flatten tummy

Mercola Peak Fitness: Perfect Push-Ups

Push-Ups: A Surprisingly Effective Exercise for Your Abs!

I also want to remind you about another exercise that can help you build firm, six-pack abs, namely push-ups! That's right, as long as you're doing them correctly, push-ups will train your abs as well as your upper body. For a full video demonstration of a number of different variations, please see this previous article, but here's a quick summary of the key technique:
  • While in plank position, pull in your bellybutton. Your bellybutton is attached to your transverse abdominis, that inner sheath that holds your gut inside and gives your spine and vertebrae a nice, weight belt-tightening type of support. So by pulling it in, you begin to contract that deep inner transverse abdominis muscle.

    If you want to work your six-pack rectus abdominis muscle, drive your chin down toward your toes while you're focused on squeezing your bellybutton in.
  • Next, do a Kegel squeeze. More women than men might be familiar with this term. A Kegel squeeze is performed by drawing your lower pelvic muscles up and holding them up high and tight. For men who aren't familiar with that term, it's similar to trying to stop urinating in the middle of the flow. This squeeze will allow you to feel and focus on your abdominal muscles.
These techniques help build the deep inner core muscles that lay the groundwork for that six-pack look. Keep in mind however, that in order to really get "six-pack" abs, men need to get their body fat down to about six percent, and women around nine percent.