Friday, August 12, 2011


We've all heard this before...but how many actually believe the person who informs us of this, and actually does something about knowing these scary truths?  Sadly we as a population tend to believe those in charge and the mainstream media (controlled by those who profit from us...who both suppress and manipulate Very important safety information! This is unacceptable!). 

Make note I am not anti-vaccines, but let's take a look at at How many Unnecessary vaccinations are now being given to tiny babies (more than triple the amount in the last few decades)...and the risks in the ingredients in vaccinations as well, that have been covered up, and how many deaths and life long illnesses have been a result of this highly profitable industry!  What I do promote is SAFER vaccines! Let's not trade one poison for another JUST to feed the pockets of these companies.  If the vaccines themselves don't make you sick, learning how this industry operates Will make you sick! Firstly, when it comes to medicines one does NOT fit all! Secondly ingredients like Mercury are NOT safe at Any dose!

Shocking Testimony About Vaccines

Tobacco Science and the Thimerosal Scandal
by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.


Robert Kennedy Exposes Autism Conspiracy - MSNBC

Mercury, Autism And The Global Vaccine Agenda
David Ayoub, M.D. goes through the relations of Mercury to Autism as well its connections to "National Security Study Memorandum 200"; for population control. Showing its shocking connections to today's G.A.V.I. Are powerful forces really trying to help the poor people or could it be for another agenda; the sterilization of the poor? This is an upsetting video, so brace yourself. 

Vaccine Nation

Mercury, known as thimerosal, and other heavy metal additives are highly toxic and threaten children with neurological damage. The long-term efficacy of global vaccination remains controversial, inconclusive and is suspect in light of the powerful corporate interests, lobbying efforts, and profits associated with a multi-billion dollar vaccine industry.. 
H1N1 'false pandemic' biggest pharma-fraud of the century?

Deadly Immunity - Full Documentary

 An investigate report written by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. about the government cover-up of the mercury / autism scandal. The CDC, FDA, WHO and pharmaceutical companies have been involved in a massive deception of the public in order to ensure their sustained profitability.

Perhaps this will motivate more people to begin independently investigating these companies and the relationships between those who are looking out for the health of our population and those who stand to profit from our illness.

National Vaccine Information Center -- Vaccine Watch Dog

Rolling Stone Magazine Article:

Vaccine Ingredients;

Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey's Autism Organization;


Jenny McCarthy talks to CNN on how she cured her sons Autism caused by VACCINATIONS!


Read This Before Vaccinating for Anything

Make your own Flu Vaccine
Don't try this at home!

Dr. confesses Cancer & other Viruses is found in Vaccines

Merck Vaccine Chief Brings HIV/AIDS to America


Wake Up and Americans Unite against the lies that is told to destroy our children. Here is an interview that is very rare and will shock you. Hear how the vaccinations were started what they have in it all from the mouth of Dr. Maurice Hillerman admitting to massive field trials, and hiding the truth from the press book mark this and show it to all your friends.


This blog couldn't be long enough...please do your own research before considering dousing your fragile baby with too many's your right to protect your children with smarter EDUCATED choices.