7 Easy Ways to Detox Every Day for More Energy and Vibrant Skin

While it is recommended to do a controlled detox a few times every year, detoxification itself is actually a continual physiological proves that our body is always going through. There are things you can do every day which will help to aid your body on going through this natural process of releasing toxins. By introducing these healthy habits into your daily life, it can help to keep your toxic load at bay by enhancing your body’s natural detox system to function effectively long-term.
1. Drink Filtered Water
As much as you possibly can, choose to drink clean water that has been filtered from heavy metals and chlorine. Use filtered water for drinking, showering and cooking when possible.
2. Do regular exercise
By moving your body every day, it helps to release toxins from your body by sweating. Exercising also helps to increase your body’s metabolic activity which aids effective in toxin removal, while also building lean body mass which assists in burning more calories. It also needs to be mentioned that moving your body is a stress relieving and produces a natural vitality boost.
3. Dry Skin Brushing
This relaxing activity takes just 2 minutes to do each day, but is a very powerful way to help your body’s lymphatic system to operate. You want to find a natural fibre brush that you will use to lightly brush over your body in a circular motion towards your heart. Do his before having a shower or a bath each day, which will also help to remove dead skin cells. Learn more about it here.
4. Have an Epsom Salt Bath
A hot bath with Epsom Salts can aid your body in drawing toxins out of your body, and not mention it is also calming and relaxing. The magnesium sulphate which is Epsom Salt is also a good nervous system relaxant. Adding some essential oils such as lavender to your bath will also aid in having a good night’s sleep.
5. Try an Infrared Sauna
Having a 15 minute sauna every day helps your body to remove toxins from your skin through sweat. If you can use an infrared sauna, you will also get extra benefits from the infrared rays which produce an energy like that from the sun, which will provide a cellular cleanse and increase metabolism and blood circulation. Sitting in a sauna is also very relaxing and rejuvenating, which is a healthy state for your body to enjoy.
6. Use only non-toxic skincare
Avoid using products on your skin that contain chemical ingredients and fragrances, which are easily absorbed by the skin. These toxic ingredient make your liver work harder in eliminating them from you body, and regular exposure to these ingredients have been linked to long term health conditions. Not only that, but they can block the detox pathways meaning that the toxins and chemicals your body is exposed to remain in your body, stored as fat cells that can affect weight loss and cause rashes, acne and wrinkles. Ironic, right?
7. Avoid Using Plastic
Plastics are an unstable compound and when heated, the harmful chemicals that plastics are made from will leach into the food that you then eat, or from the liquid you drink. Use glass or ceramic instead for cooking and drink from stainless steel bottles