- Today's Harvest - Curled Scotch kale, Dino kale, Red Russian kale, 9
chocolate harbanero, white habanero, Chinese 5 color hot pepper, mini
bell pepper, 1 large tomato, chocolate cherry tomatoes, yellow pear
tomatoes and Cossack Pineapple ground cherry tomatoes
9/16/14 - Pepper row - sadly one night of frost did a number on the pepper plants!
9/16/14 - Mini bell peppers, the frost wilted off a lot of the leaves
9/16/14 - White habanero peppers, took a big hit from the frost
9/16/14 - Chocolate habanero, took the biggest hit of all the peppers and lost pretty much all its leaves!
9/16/14 - Chinese 5 color hot peppers
9/16/14 - Giant Szegedi sweet peppers
9/16/14 - Curled Scotch kale
9/16/14 - Collard greens
9/16/14 - Dino kale
9/16/14 - Red Russian kale and raspberry bushes
9/16/14 - The first of the raspberries ripening! And a friendly wasp:p
9/16/14 - first row - Cossack Pinneapple ground cherry tomatoes, Raspberry bushes, Red Russian kale, and Swiss chard
- Tomato plans - just left the productive chocolate cherry plants in
front and a couple yellow pear plants with a few tomatoes still ripening
9/16/14 - Dino kale still producing very well and collard green (which I have yet to harvest from)
9/16/14 - Pepper and Curled Scotch kale row
9/16/14 - Garden reduced to half the size
9/16/14 - Lots of kale and several unripe tomatoes before clearing out the plants from my garden