Sunday, February 2, 2014

Sole Salt - Liquid Gold

Making Sole (So-lay) - step by step instructions...
I purchase my large chunks of salt from Earth Shift Products
Step 1.  
Everyone knows that salt dissolves in water, right? But did you know that if you keep adding salt to a glass of water you’ll get to a point where the water becomes super-salty or saturated with salt? Did you also know that when the water becomes super-salty or saturated with salt that the salt will just sit on the bottom of the glass without dissolving? This is exactly what Himalayan Crystal Salt Sole is, super- saturated, salty water. Here’s how to make it.

Place 1 inch of Original Himalayan Crystal Salt stones in a glass jar, preferably one with a lid. Add 2 to 3 inches of good quality artesian or spring water (Fiji Water is recommended), above the stones, completely covering the crystals with water. Let sit overnight.

Step 2.  

If all the salt crystals have dissolved, add a few more salt crystals to the water. Your Himalayan Crystal Salt Sole is ready when the water becomes fully saturated with salt and cannot hold any more. The salt will no longer dissolve at this stage. Your finished Sole should resemble the photo at left. There should always be salt crystals in the jar. As you use up the Himalayan Crystal Salt Sole, after some time, add more water and more salt until the water is again saturated. Remember, there should always be undissolved salt crystals on the bottom of the jar. This is your visual proof that the water is totally saturated with salt.

Step 3.

Each morning, before eating or drinking anything, add one teaspoon of the Himalayan Crystal Salt Sole to a glass of artesian or spring water (again,  Fiji Water is recommended), and drink. Your body will receive the energetic vibration pattern of the Himalayan Crystal Salt and hold it for 24 hours.
Keep the container covered to prevent the water from evaporating. Otherwise, no special storage is needed. The fully saturated Himalayan Crystal Salt Sole will keep forever! Salt is a natural anti-bacterial and natural fungicide. It simply cannot spoil or go bad.   Golden Sole - a blend of ORMUS monatomic gold and other monatomic elements

Himalayan Crystal Salt Sole - an Ocean of Energy
When water and Original Himalayan Crystal Salt connect, the negative poles of the water molecules surround the positive ions in the salt and the negative ions in the salt are surrounded by the positive polarized particles of the water molecules. This changes the geometric structure of the water and the salt, and creates something entirely new, a third dimension. The water no longer is water and the salt no longer salt. The elements have liberated themselves from their restrictions, given up their polarities by the resonant effects, and reached a higher form of energy. Only through this process of attaining higher levels of consciousness, can we relinquish our polarities and return into the oneness of all elements. This is exactly what transpires when water and salt meet. The willingness of the water to give up its own identity, in return, liberates the salt from its manifested identity—to overcome the powers of the gridwork and to separate sodium from chloride. Both elements are ionized, which releases their stored energy and information.

The Concentration of Sole

When the percentage of concentration of the Himalayan Crystal Salt Sole are talked about in the book Water&Salt-The Essence of Life, they mean the ratio of water to salt. 

xxxSole = A fully saturated solution of water and Himalayan Crystal Salt. The water becomes saturated with salt when the water can no longer dissolve more salt. At this point, the salt crystals remain undissolved on the bottom of the jar, indicating that the solution has reached its saturation limit. The water is now fully saturated with salt. This is what we call Sole 

Sole Solution = When we speak of a sole solution, we speak of a diluted quantity of the concentrated Sole in water. When we take the fully saturated Sole and add water to it, we create a Sole solution. Many of the therapeutic application for the Original Himalayan Crystal Salt require a Sole solution.    
For Example:
A 1% Sole solution is 1 part Sole and 99 parts water.
A 5% Sole solution is 5 parts Sole and 95 parts water.
A n 8% Sole solution is 8 parts Sole and 92 parts water, and so on.


How To Make Various Concentrations of Sole Solution For Various Applications

Percentage of Solution Amount of Crystal Salt Amount of Water Application
1% Sole Solution 1/2 tsp. (2g) 200ml Water For Eyes & Nose
2 tsps. (10g) 1000ml Water For Inhalation
1 Kilo (2.2 lbs.) 100 liter / bath tub For Sole Bathing
2% Sole Solution 4 tsps. (20g) 1000ml Water For Inhalation
2 Kilos (4.5 lbs.) 100 liter / bath tub For Sole Bathing
3% Sole Solution 6 tsps. (30g) 1000ml Water For Inhalation
3 Kilos (6.6 lbs.) 100 liters / bath tub For Sole Bathing
10% Sole Solution 6 tsps. (100g) 1000ml Water For Partial Bathing
12 tsps (200g) 2000ml water For Partial Bathing
At full saturation the water appears clear
I purchase my salt rocks from