Saturday, October 19, 2013

Garden update & harvest 10/18/13

 10/18/13 - Clean up time! 2 overflowing wheel barrows full
 10/18/13 - I got all the tomatoes, raspberry bushes and Swiss chard cleared
 10/18/13 - I decided to leave in the flowers for the critters, they're still pretty...and the dino kale is still doing ok
 10/18/13 - tomatoes cleared, and swiss chard...but the roots were like giant turnips! way too solid to pull out...for another day
 10/18/13 - 2 of the pepper plants looked too good to yank out...still so many small peppers still growing
 10/18/13 - my curly kale and Red Russian kale still as full as they get to stay as long as they last
 10/18/13 - I harvested a ton of swiss chard...for the leaves that weren't nice I just took the stems, and some more green tomatoes
10/18/13 - Swiss chard, all chopped up and ready to freeze...great for stir fries and soups