Thursday, October 17, 2013

Garden harvest 10/16/13

 10/16/13 - today's bundle from the garden - frost is on its way! So I needed to rescue as much as I could...and will be doing so for the next couple days
 10/16/13 - today's harvest...dino kale,curled scotch kale, red russian kale, swiss chard
10/16/13 - although I know they get a lot bigger, if I let them stay outside much longer I'd lose them to the frost:( wish I planted them earlier!
 10/16/13 - today's harvest...white habaero peppers, holy basil, 18 peppers (sweet red peppers, not changed color yet), 50 large tomato kinds, and cherry tomatoes...many not so large, but I either harvest or lose them!
 10/16/13 - today's harvest...only one tomato had any hint of a ripening color...anyone know any green tomato recipes?!
 10/16/13 - today's harvest...a huge bowl of cherry tomatoes...unripened, but I hope these too ripen off the vine, many of them fell from the plans with the wind and dried up stems due to the cold...I also cut off branches of basil to dry some more
 10/16/13 - this is closer to the size they get, about 2 inches longer and very red
 10/16/13 - hopefully this one will fully ripen soon
 10/16/13 - time to hall them to my ripening station...
 10/16/13 - loaded up the big tomatoes and peppers to the ripening station...

10/16/13 - a place they started to grow, now a place they will ripen:)
They don't need the sunshine any curtains will be closed