3 of the Most Powerful Herbs You’ve Never Heard of

Using Nature To Unlock Our Immortality
Immortality has always been a dream of
conscious humans. The desire to avoid death and live eternally is
universal, profound and God-like.
Answers to the mystery of immortality have been growing in forests and jungles since the dawn of time.
I believe that it only makes sense that
as consciousness in the animal kingdom evolves, so too should
consciousness in the plant kingdom. The very same plants that help in
the healing of diseases, infections and chronic illnesses can also help
us to live longer, more productive and healthier lives.
The most powerful herbal medicines assist
the body by unlocking the codes of what your genes can already do.
These most effective herbs are known as adaptogens, which assist the
body in its natural task of maintaining homeostasis—the delicate state
of balance necessary for survival.
A body out of balance is considered to be
in negative homeostasis, a condition in which the restorative and
degenerative systems of the body may not function properly. If untreated
this may eventually lead to symptoms of fatigue, anxiety, depression,
insomnia and other various sicknesses.
But adaptogens help the body adapt to,
and compensate, for change. In a person with high blood sugar, for
example, an adaptogenic herb might help to lower glucose levels in the
body, whereas, in a person with low blood sugar, the herb would help to
raise them.
Unfortunately, every time your cells divide, some of this is lost, meaning you are breaking your body’s ability to regenerate itself every time you grow or heal. Adaptogenic herbs are programmed at finding ways to either rejuvenate telomerase or prevent its loss in the first place. I believe that in nature we can finds ways that could effectively halt or even reverse the aging process.
What are these herbal treasures, you ask? I have spent years researching the best adaptogens and medicinal mushrooms and here are the top three:
Astragalus and Life Force
Astragalus ranks as one of the most
potent health tonics in the world. For over 2,000 years it has been one
of the most popular tonic herbs used in Asia. Astragalus is said to
strengthen the primary energy of the body and to tonify the three
burning spaces, or in other words, to strengthen all metabolic,
respiratory and eliminative functions.
As an energizer, Astragalus is famed for
its strengthening effects on the outside of the body, in particular to
the musculature. It is therefore beneficial in particular to adults who
tend to be physically active and require abundant external energy. In
China, Astragalus is sometimes considered superior to Ginseng as an
energizer for active people. Astragalus is used to strengthen the legs
and arms and is commonly used by people who work outdoors, especially in
the cold because of its strengthening and warming nature.
Fenugreek and Growth Hormones
Fenugreek seeds contain chemicals known
as saponins, which have a wide range of medicinal applications.
Fenugreek’s saponins, in particular, are linked to stimulating release
of growth hormone from pituitary cells. This gland is located right in
the center or the brain, near the hypothalamus at the base of the skull.
It’s only about the size of a pea, but it’s incredibly important. It
secretes various hormones into the bloodstream to assist in several
processes throughout the entire body. This gland is often referred to as
the “master gland” because of its various roles in the body. The
pituitary gland supports the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, ovaries and
testes, which in turn produce other hormones.
Medicinal Mushroom Red Reishi
Health benefits of Reishi
Perhaps Reishi’s greatest potential
medical benefit is its ability to strengthen the body’s immune system.
Consumption of Reishi is therefore considered preventive and immune
enhancing, rather than treatment for a specific disease. In addition to
triterpenes in its fruiting body, Reishi mushroom also contains
polysaccharides. These enzymes are found under the spores released under
the cap of the mushroom. Reishi polysaccharides affect blood by
increasing the white blood cells count, which boosts the immune system’s
ability to fight disease.
Among the medicinal plants, Reishi is a
potent adaptogen. It may assist the body in adapting to stresses of
various kinds; these stressors may be temperature, trauma, sleep
deprivation, exposure to toxins, radiation, infection, or psychological
stress. Like adaptogens, Reishi shares the properties of causing no side
effects with regular consumption; it helps an organism return to a
state of equilibrium.
Red Reishi acts as an immune modulator—a
substance that regulates, and fine-tunes the immune system. The primary
responsibility of the immune system is to detect pathogens such as
viruses, bacteria and other microbes that invade the body. Under normal
circumstances, an intact immune system is capable of deterring most of
these organisms before it causes any damage. However, if the immune
system is compromised, viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungi can
proliferate and cause disease. Consuming Reishi eliminates these