8/9/14 - Today's harvest...Black Beauty zucchini, 2 Marketmore cucumber, 5 large tomatoes, lettuce and several chocolate cherry tomatoes and Yellow Pear tomatoes
8/9/14 - Black Beauty zucchini
8/9/14 - A little garden buddy...it grew a head! with a hat intact;)
8/9/14 - Don't have the heart to eat him!
8/9/14 - I finally cleared out my lettuce towers
8/9/14 - I also pulled out the camomile, but laid it over the bed to keep weeds at bay
8/9/14 - Tomato plants aren't as foliage rich this year, but still producing!
8/9/14 - However the two chocolate cherry tomato plants are bursting at their seems!
8/9/14 -My buddy in the garden...right when I found him...and gave him a face:p
8/9/14 -My buddy in the garden...right when I found him...and gave him a face:p