5/25/14 - Tomatoes transplanted! Still 4 more to plant. I ordered two new small tomato plants, Isis Candy cherry & Snow White cherry, from Lazy Ox Farm. Then two more I've grown...I underestimated my space...lots of tomatoes this season!
5/25/14 - Planted only two Corno di Toro Rosso red bell peppers, with several new hot peppers joining the garden this year, along with a mini bell pepper (yet to arrive from Lazy Oz farm too)
5/25/14 - Transplanted tomatoes from the back view
5/25/14 - Chamomile growing full...from last year
5/25/14 - Transplanted chocolate habanero, from Lazy Ox Farm
5/25/14 - Two Cossack Pineapple Ground Cherry plants transplanted (from Lazy Ox Farm)
5/25/14 - Sugar Snap Peas