Saturday, April 27, 2013

How To Express Your Emotion

In this episode, Teal explains that you can only heal emotions that you let yourself feel and express.
Emotions are energy, they have to go somewhere and when they are not allowed to release, they rot you from within. Your physical body begins to deteriorate and so does the world around you. The world around you begins to reflect that suppressed emotion.

In order to feel our emotions we need to be willing to risk being vulnerable.

Vulnerability is the place where healing begins. But many of us equate vulnerability with inevitable hurt; and so it feels like a very scary risk to feel our emotions.

Teal then goes on to explain how we use the model of natural expression to deliberately flush our emotions to the surface.

The five layers of emotional expression are:

1. Anger, resentment, fury, blame, repelling
2. Disappointment, sadness, hurt
3. Insecurity, fear, bad memories, deep wounds,
4. Understanding, empathy, responsibility, regret
5. Love, solutions, wishes, connection

1. Anger, resentment, fury, blame, repelling
I hate it when…
I am so angry that…
I’m fed up with…
I’m filled with rage when…

2. Disappointment, sadness, hurt
I feel so disappointed that…
I feel o sad when…
The thing that hurts me so badly is…
This is why it hurts me so badly…

3. Insecurity, fear, bad memories, deep wounds
I’m afraid that…
What I’m truly afraid of is…
It scares me when..
It reminds me of…

4. Understanding, empathy, responsibility, regret
I’m sorry that…
Please forgive me for…
It’s completely understandable that…
I regret that…
I understand that…

5. Love, solutions, wishes, connection
I want to …
I forgive you for…
I hope that…
Thank you for…
I appreciate you because…
I love you because…