Monday, May 28, 2012

What is My Purpose?

The last few posts I focused on inner health as opposed to outer health choices, and today (on my Birthday) I wanted to post a very special post.  A video that held so much meaning for me, that I feel everyone should hear and in turn be affected by, in a positive way.  It's a common question we ask ourselves in any journey we take in our lives; "What is my purpose?" It's been a long time coming, but I have finally found so many answers to questions I have often asked myself within what Teal shares with us, and finally my life is making sense to me...I'm realizing that things I already knew are being confirmed, and in simple words life is sweeter:)
Are you Following your Bliss? 
Following your Passions?
Following your Dreams?
Following Joy?

The purpose of your life is Finding Joy.

Go in the direction of what you see as Bliss.
It’s really the only true motivation for anything…all choices…ultimately we understand that “joy” is our purpose, and do things that we think will bring us joy, even if it’s not in line with source (such as pursuing a career we think will make us happy because it has a potential to make us a lot of money).  And if we were to go in the direction of joy each day, thinking thoughts which felt good to think, going in the direction of what feels good to go in the direction of…there would be none of these heinous acts that you see committed.  If we really made that the priority, we would be doing what we were intended to do here.  

If you believe passion isn’t the purpose in life, there’s a good chances you have sacrificed too much in your life. Passion is your indication that you are doing the appropriate thing. That’s why your purpose can be no different than what you find passionate.  It’s because you physically in this body are the physical expression of your source self.  So, what are your passions?  Mine in no particular order include health, art, inspiration, travel, experiencing new cultures/ideas, comforting/helping others, gardening…
Passion is the biochemical feeling that happens when you are in inline with your true self (source self), your higher purpose.   You feel the passion when the energy flows freely through you inline of your purpose.  This happens when you are thinking thoughts that are in line with your true self which feel good to think that’s your indication that you are in line with your higher purpose and true self and thus all that energy is flowing through you and that’s received to the biochemical model of your body as passion.  That’s why passion and joys are indications of what you were meant to be doing.
Your purpose in terms of what you were meant to do will literally fall in your lap as a byproduct of you following your joy.  Evolution in general is a byproduct of following joy. 

How do we lose this puzzle piece?
When we’re children (which is the way this 3 dimensional reality was designed, it was designed to be a place of contrast, meaning you come down here and through the experience of lack of freedom you give rise to the idea of what freedom is. But in this model you come down to this family, and they have all these values. Which they try to instill on you, society in general does this, this is happening in multiple levels every day.  Let’s say a child is playing with a puzzle.  The second that the parent says to the child “that’s not where this puzzle piece goes, this puzzle piece goes here”, you are pulling the child sideways of their own movement and own direction.  It is incredibly easy, even with the best parents on this planet, to be directed away from your own energetic direction, where you were meant to be going.  And if we start caring what other people think more than we care about staying in line with what feels good to us, then suddenly we’re living a life according to what other people’s values and other people’s beliefs and other people’s direction, and not our own.  So that’s how we lose track of where we are going, and life becomes one of effort.

So, finding your purpose is really a matter of taking the risk of caring how you feel.  Taking the risk of following what feels good.    That means changing all aspects of your life, if need be, maybe what feels good is getting rid of that career you just spend 8yrs to achieve.  We have to be willing to take the risk to go in the direction of what feels good if we want to find what our true purpose is, if we want to live in health at all…because if you’re not living in line with your purpose, then you don’t have enough energy flowing through your physical body for you to say in a space of heath. 

It’s interesting that some people play their lives very carefully, and in doing so it’s like they’re all here in this life where they continue to go in the direction of arranging it so they arrive at death safely. 
Your purpose is not going to express itself in what you are going to get, and what you achieve.  Your purpose is going to express itself in what gift you have to give to this world, because a gift is an expression.   You in this physical life are an expression of your source self.   So that source self of yourself that projected itself here in the first place had an original intention.  Free will is pervasive, so you have a choice whether to stay in line with that original intention or not.  Your purpose will always be, in the form of, What Am I Meant to Express Here On This Planet.  That can be a daily thing, a monthly thing, or a lifelong thing.   You may have a huge purpose; in terms of I’m meant help during this shift to raise consciousness, but your purpose could be as simple as, I’m meant to do this art piece today.  Your purpose could be moment to moment, day by day.  So if you’d like to be in line with your purpose day by day basis, so your larger purpose falls in your lap, you have to take the risk to follow your joy and ask yourself day by day, what is trying to express itself through me today? By doing that, you will end up “doing” what you are meant to be doing here.
So I hope you can all have the courage to do that:)