8/3/15 - Very crowded path ways at the community garden between plots this year!
8/3/15 - huge tomatoes!
8/3/15 - Peppers
8/3/15 -Ground cherry tomatoes
8/3/15 - Red Russian Kale
8/3/15 - Cucumbers
8/3/15 - Red Onions
8/3/15 - Curled Scotch Kale
8/3/15 - Swiss Chard
8/3/15 - Tomatoes and green onions
8/3/15 - Peppers and tomatoes
8/3/15 - Last Zucchini plant on its last breath
8/3/15 - huge tomatoes!
8/3/15 - cherry tomatoes
8/3/15 - huge tomatoes!
8/3/15 -Today's harvest...5 cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, peas, basil, strawcerries and ground cherry tomatoes
8/3/15 - Fresh Basil
8/3/15 -delicious strawberry
8/3/15 - cherry tomatoes
8/3/15 -peas