6/24/15 - Picking a strawberry
6/24/15 - 2nd row - Gold Berries tomatoes, Beats, Cucumber and lettuce
6/24/15 - Beats, Cucumber, lettuce, Zucchini, Chinese Michihili cabbage and bok choy
6/24/15 - Dino kale, Swiss chard and Giant Szegedi sweet pepper
6/24/15 - Sugar Snap peas
6/24/15 - Cossack ground cherry tomato
6/24/15 - Red Russian Kale
6/24/15 - Lettuce and Red onions
6/24/15 - Red onions, Curled Scotch kale and Swiss Chard
6/24/15 - Zucchini and lettuce
6/24/15 - Tokyo Long White Bunch Onion and tomoatoes
6/24/15 - Cucumbers in the middle, Beats on the left, lettuce under the covers on the right, and Gold berries tomoato at the back
6/24/15 - Giant Szegedi sweet pepper
6/24/15 - Giant Szegedi sweet pepper
6/24/15 - Basil
6/24/15 - Today's harvest - Tokyo Long White Bunch Onion, Curled Scotch kale, Sugar snap peas, Chinese Michihili cabbage, and Giant Fordhook Swiss Chard
6/24/15 - Today's harvest - Tokyo Long White Bunch Onion, Curled Scotch kale, Sugar snap peas, Chinese Michihili cabbage, and Giant Fordhook Swiss Chard
6/24/15 - Chinese Michihili cabbage
6/24/15 - Tokyo Long White Bunch Onion
6/24/15 - Giant Fordhook Swiss Chard
6/24/15 - Giant Fordhook Swiss Chard