Thursday, February 21, 2013

For the Joy of Living

One of the things I finally come to realize is how very much I like things that go FAST.  Ever notice how fast talk? Yeah, faster than that. It makes my body happy and makes my whole being  go Who-Hooooo!
I now have a new fast friend: a motorcycle.
Oh! I can hear some of you go: “Eeeeeek!” in your head. That’s perfect and that’s exactly what I will address in this video I’m sharing with you today. The reaction we have all created around some things in our life that stop us from the JOY that we could truly have.

How many points of view do you have that have nothing to do with what is actually true for you?

What’s stopping you from adding more joy to your life? Are you willing to have the intensity of joy in your life?

If you’re willing to look at this, here’s the series on going beyond judgment to create more joy in our lives:

Here’s the Tool for Today: What is it that you would do just for the joy of it, that because nobody else does it for the joy of it, you won’t even consider it or have stopped doing it? And, start doing it!

Stop Defending and Start Living
 I am back with part two of my Motorcycle Diaries... This time, we're going to dive a bit deeper into that judgment thing...

Let's start with just the word RIDING. Nice little word with a god zillion connotations...

For example, if say that "I am going to ride my motorcycle" does that create a different energy than if I say "I am going to ride my horse"? Especially if I add that I am going to "ride my white horse" ---- no even better "ride my white stallion".

Notice that those few words push one or two buttons? And create something in your mind?

However rosy and glittery or bitter and blasé that creation is----- that is judgment! And any judgment, positive or negative, stops you from knowing what is true for you and what is actually possible!

Ready to start getting out of that?

Who or what are you defending for or against that if you didn't would allow you to have all of you, as you always desired to BE?

PS. You know, I actually have a white stallion, named Gitano. :-) You can meet him in this little video if you like: 
 Have you had one of those moments when you're completely present and fully ALIVE and totally grateful? Of course. What would it be like if that was what your living looked like? Every day?

This greeting is from one of those moments for me, in the midst of a sunny California Winters Day.

I thought of you all and wanted to convey the energy of that, the space of that and a question that may, if you're willing, open up for EVEN MORE of that in your life.

Did you watch it?

Now, go and find a phone! I know I did, as soon as I got home.

What else is possible this year that has never been possible before?

The Five Steps to Changing Anything

 So here we go! Here is the third and last part of my Motorcycle Diaries, with the FIVE STEPS to actually start changing what doesn't work for you and start creating YOUR REALITY.

Yes, YOUR reality. It is actually different from almost everyone else's....

So you really should not watch this video. I mean, things could start changing. Things could get easier. You could become as different as you truly be. You could start creating the life you always desired and...your future.

That would be bad. Really bad.

Did you watch? Even though I warned you?
Yes! What else is possible now?

Here’s the tool: The Five Steps to Change Anything
1) First – Make a DEMAND
2) Next – Ask a  QUESTION
3) Third – Wave the MAGIC wand (POC & POD)
4) Now CHOOSE – and ACT! ( you have to DO something – take some action)
5) Finally, RECEIVE everything
What can inspire you today that  you haven’t ever acknowledged?
Sunny regards,

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