Monday, December 3, 2012

Mercury-containing vaccine studies

Studies showing mercury-containing vaccines to be safe alleged to be fraudulent

Be aware,before injecting anything into your blood stream. You and only you are responsible for what you put inside your body...after all it's you're body, the only one you have, so make educated decisions, especially when it comes to your health, and the health of those you care for.

In 2010, the Coalition for Mercury-free Drugs (CoMeD, Inc.) submitted a formal allegation to the Inspector General for Health and Human Services. The Coalition alleges studies that show mercury-containing vaccines to be safe, are fraudulent. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) documents show that Danish vaccine researcher Poul Thorsen and the co-authors of "Thimerosal and the occurrence of autism …" concealed the fact that autism declined in Denmark after Thimerosal was removed from the Danish vaccine program.

It is also estimated that Thorsen embezzled at least one million dollars of grant money from the CDC. The Inspector General currently names Thorsen as one of its "Most Wanted" fugitives. A new "wanted" poster featuring Thorsen, suggests that the above-mentioned allegations are credible.
Based on few industry-sposored statistical studies including Thorsen's, the United States Government and the World Health Organization defend the ongoing use of Thimerosal, the highly toxic mercury-based vaccine preservative. Mental retardation, however, is listed on the manufacturer's Material Safety Data Sheet for Thimerosal a possible outcome from exposure in utero and in children. Disturbingly and based on Thorsen's public conclusion, however, the former United States Assistant Surgeon General declared that "(Thorsen's) Danish study…provide(s) one strong piece of evidence that Thimerosal is not causally linked to autism." This allegedly frauduelent study also helped the Institute of Medicine reach its 2004 declaration that mercury in vaccines and the autism epidemic are unrelated. 

Children in developed, western nations are receiving mercury-free vaccine formulations. Children in developing countries, however, are receiving many mercury-preserved ones. Rev. Lisa K. Sykes, President of CoMeD, Inc., described this as double standard in vaccine safety that discriminates based on economics and nationality. This discrimination may now also based upon fraudulent data.

Source: http://