Saturday, November 24, 2012

How to initiate positive change

I'd like to post more information on mental well being in the next few blog posts.  I find that so much of our ailments stem from our mind, or get triggered by our thoughts.  Today lets focus on change. 

1. Think a different thought. We all have certain beliefs, expectations, and patterns of thought about certain subjects that seem natural to us, because we have practiced those thoughts for so long. The number one reason it’s hard to get out of a rut or create change is because we keep thinking the same thoughts about a given subject. If you keep thinking you're not capable of completing a certain task, chances are that you won't be, not because you aren't capable of it, but because you hold on to the belief that you aren't and that alone can prevent you from accomplishing it.  Jolt yourself out of an energy rut by forcing your mind to view things from a different, more favorable perspective, and then try to hold that new perspective for as long as possible.  Doubt and fear is such a strong road block!

2. Take a different action. As they say, madness is doing the same thing and expecting different results. If you want something to be different in your life, or just wanting to create some excitement, the change has to start with you first. There are no boring lives, only boring people. So if you want a different result, take a different action, even if it is small one. Do something uncomfortable, something unexpected, something without fear of failure, if it's in the direction of something you want to accomplish, it will never be a failure, because there is no such this as failure, only lessons. You can't learn anything or experience anything new if you don't first attempt it.

3. Come from a place of abundance, not lack. A lot of times, when people want something or someone in their life to be different, they automatically start from a place of negativity and lackfulness, which undermines the change they are hoping to create. “I hate my job, I wish I had a different one” will continue to bring you more experiences that reinforce that same belief. A simple shift to, “I’m grateful for having a job and am in the process of creating an even better one” can be really impactful, set yourself up for change, don't dwell in what you don't want in your life, focus on what you Do want without resisting it, and do this by appreciating the things you currently have. This new statement puts you in a more powerful vibrational place of appreciation and hope rather than desperation. Always act as if what you want is already on its way to you and a part of your life already. What’s showing up in your life isn’t necessarily what you want. You’re simply getting a reflection of what you already believe about yourself and your world. A belief in lack only creates more lack. Creating change from a present place of appreciation and abundance is much more powerful than a feeling of lack. This is very powerful in healing from an injury or illness. 

4. Live in the moment. All of your power is exactly in the Now. The past and future are literally figments of our imagination. Tools for the mind to be able to string experiences together into a linear fashion. The Universe only understands now, now, now. Take advantage of the infinite potential that each moment holds when it is unclouded by regrets from the past and worries about the future. They only affect you if you let them! There are no coincidences, failures or events that shouldn't have happened, everything happens for a reason, from devastation comes the lessons after, and perspective on how to live your next moment.  Remember, changing your energy vibration in the current moment is literally shaping your point of attraction for the future. So getting happy now is actually like making an investment in your future.

5. Pay attention to your gut. Don’t ignore your could save your life one day. 95% of the information we get from a person or situation is non-verbal in nature. Pay attention to how something or someone is making you feel. Your emotions are your guidance system and will never fail you, when you learn to quiet your mind and tune in. Your instinct will steer you in the right direction and help you create positive change if you learn to listen.