Sunday, November 11, 2012

7 milestones to Becoming a Fully Empowered Person

A wonderful article by Julian from ancients of the new age that I had to share.

Sometimes we watch people doing extraordinary things and think that they must have just been gifted at birth.  While this may or may not be true, it does not really matter.  What matters is that we can become inspired by these people and come to the conclusion that we too have the ability to rise to a place of empowerment and self mastery.  I have comprised here what I believe to be a roadmap to becoming a fully empowered person.  This was the path that both Mike and I took to creating the incredible reality we both coexist in.
  1. Seeing the connection The first step in this process is making the connection between a healthier lifestyle and personal fulfillment.   What would you do if you could be fully empowered letting go of fear, insecurity, and disempowering tendencies?  Would you travel?  Would you build the business you’ve been thinking of?  Would you have deeper more fulfilling relationships with people?  How does being physically healthier, in body and mind (as they are one in the same) enable you to attract more positive relationships into your life?  How does this lead to deeper insight, and grant you the ability to live life in the way you truly desire?
  3. Take an honest Inventory, We must take an honest look at our daily actions and behaviors asking the questions, “Are these behaviors making my life any better?”  “What is the quality of food and drink I allow into my body and therefore to form my body tissues, and consciousness?”  “Do I surround myself with people who support me in my path to becoming a fully activated person, capable of achieving and manifesting their internal desires in the external world?”  “Do I regret impulsive habits and tendencies I utilize on a regular basis to deal with stress and suffering?” (This could be compulsive shopping, eating, gambling, drinking/drug using, smoking, sex, or serial dating, etc.) We have all experienced the results of instant gratification at some point or another.  We see that while these short term fixes can be instantly rewarding, in many cases we are sacrificing our long term fulfillment for a quick fix that prevents us from cultivating long term happiness and contentment.   Once we see that these addictive behaviors which lead to an instant dopamine release are blocks to experiencing our own personal self mastery, inner peace, contentment and control in directing one’s life, we set the intention to replace this behavior with constructive behaviors that build long term fulfillment. Thus far we have drawn the connections between health and fulfillment, and assessed and identified behaviors and relationships in our lives that are no longer feeding us.  We are now ready to begin constructing our lives to support the desire for lasting peace, happiness, and contentment.
  5. Surround yourself: The next step in this process is constructing and structuring your life around these goals by letting go of the expectations of others and of ourselves to do things that we don’t want to do but feel obligated to do.  We seek out educations, jobs, living situations, and relationships to create the means to fully submerge and surround ourselves with these lifestyle intentions.
  7. Establish Connection. We start first with relationships as this is the largest determining factor of our quality of experience.  From this day on we set the intention to seek out and find relationships that support us, that encourage growth, that challenge us, forcing us to rise to a new level of excellence.  We commit to weekly meetings and connections with these people, whether that be in the form of finding a mentor or teacher, or becoming a regular at your local meditation or yoga class.
  9. Become a sponge!  Once we have built a supporting community, or sangha, that we can turn to for support and growth, and found mentors and teachers to take us under their wing, we can than exponentially increase personal growth by learning from and engaging with these consciously elevated individuals.
  11. Means of income Find a means of income that enables you to pay for trainings, education or new living situations.  The goal of this is to eventually have a job where you can get paid for doing what you love and being you. This is THE ultimate freedom! All that means you’re responsible for is finding a means of income that supports you enough economically to make the NEXT big leap or plan of action.   This brings us to the final step in becoming a fully activated and empowered person.
  13. Lockdown the ultimate living situation!   This is a living situation that fully supports the desire to find true happiness.  The easiest way to do this is set the intention that your living situation is a reminder of your commitment to this path.  Find people who support you and who resonate with your cause and move in together! If you already have a family/spouse/significant other that you live with, see if you can carve out a space in your home where you can be dedicated to daily body-mind practices, or at the very least, see what you can do to tailor your home environment to be supportive of your healthy priorities. As someone who wakes up to my roommate, business partner, and best friend doing yoga, listening to spiritual teachers, working out, juicing, or meditating each morning, I am fully submerged in the practices that have attributed to my personal growth.  It is far easier for me to maintain these practices in my life because of my immediate connection to them from my living situation.   This is something that took a few years to manifest but that I had set the intention to do so prior. You too can do this and create a life that is fully structured around supporting your life as a fully activated and awakened person capable of manifesting internal dreams into physical external realities.
It is important to remember that there are many paths to becoming a fully empowered person.  This is only the path that worked for us.  We offer it as wisdom of our experience.   If you liked this blog like and share this page with your friends and family!

Love you longtime,
Julian Karma Grow