Friday, November 30, 2012

Natural Detox

A wonderful article from

We live in a modern world filled with chemicals where we are exposed to a steady flow of large amounts of toxins every day. Scientists have already detected up to 300 different toxic chemicals in the average person’s blood and studies of newborns have found the presence of an average of 200 industrial chemicals in their blood. Most of these toxic chemicals are found in products that we all use every day, such as household cleaning products, cosmetics, soaps, personal care products, food, medications, alcohol, tobacco, drugs and even the air we breathe and the water we drink.

Our bodies have a limited ability to filter out and eliminate these toxins and are being overwhelmed by the large amounts that exceed our capacity to detoxify naturally. Clearly, we need help to keep our bodies clean so that we can remain healthy and disease free. We must detoxify ourselves by avoiding these toxins to the best of our ability and by using natural methods to cleanse our bodies. I say “natural” methods because I don’t believe we should be putting more toxins in the form of pills into our bodies, which will only make matters worse. Natural means just that. It means absolutely no man-made chemicals and no pills. 

detoxThe safest and most effective way to detox is by eating the right organic, hydrated foods and by keeping your digestive system clean with regular hydrotherapy. A raw food plant-based diet is rich with water and fiber that will help keep your intestines clean and functioning properly but, even with that, small buildups will still occur and they will require help from hydrotherapy to be eliminated.

The average person is carrying at least ten pounds of accumulated toxic waste in their colon that comes from a lifetime of coatings on top of coatings of the toxins that our body is unsuccessfully trying to expel and the dead cells that our body constantly eliminates. Ten Pounds! Pick up something that weighs ten pounds and feel how heavy it is. That’s how much (or more) that is in your colon right now!

3,500 years ago, the Greeks witnessed the long legged cranes standing in the water and squirting water into their rectums. Why would they do that? It didn’t take long for the Greeks to figure out that this was nature’s way of cleaning the crane’s colon to keep them healthy. This was the beginning of colon cleansing for good health and it was inspired by mother nature.

Since then, hydrotherapy has advanced to the point where we can now safely cleanse our colon with periodic treatments insuring a clean and healthy colon that will serve us well to keep us healthy. 

Because many of us consider our colon an unpleasant topic, we tend to forget about this most important organ that detoxifies our body from toxic waste generated from our body itself and from our external environment.
RichardToday, however, there is a new awareness about the importance of the colon and more and more of us are taking advantage of the tremendous service being offered by skilled hydrotherapists performing colonics.
Over a period of time, we develop a thick layer of fecal toxic matter that coats the colon. It hardens and becomes impacted, reducing the efficiency of the bowel and, in some cases, severely obstructs normal elimination of waste matter from the body. The colon then loses its ability to properly eliminate waste from the gastrointestinal tract.

Removing the layer of fecal matter that is coating the intestines allows detoxification and improved assimilation of the nutrients from foods and can alleviate symptoms of vitamin, mineral and other nutritional deficiencies.

When the colon becomes saturated with these accumulated buildups of waste matter, harmful toxins get absorbed into the bloodstream and expose the person to serious health risks.

The conclusion is that every single one of us should make every effort to get past our avoidance of this issue and insure that we stay healthy by regular colon hydrotherapy or a colonic. It’s far better to be alive and healthy rather than gravely ill or even dead.
The well known Dr. Norman Walker, who is a strong advocate of keeping our colon clean, suggests that a schedule of 6 colonics spaced over two weeks, twice a year is ideal and that it should be followed by at least one colonic per month for proper maintenance. I recommend reading these books by Dr. Walker and The Inside Poop by Scott Webb.
Dr WalkerDr Walkerinside poop
These books will give you the insight you need to better understand the importance of keeping your colon clean.

You will be amazed at how much better you will feel and how much healthier you will become when you get rid of these poisons. I have a saying that goes, “get rid of your toxins, before they get rid of you”.

There are plentiful choices for you to select a qualified and experienced hydro therapist. Just go online and google “colonics” in your area for a list of experienced and certified technicians and make an appointment today. Your body will thank you immensely by giving you greater health and life quality for taking this specific action to eliminate these deadly toxins.

Avoiding toxins is also something we need to be aware of. There are strong toxins in the regular everyday cleaning products we use. Read the labels on the products you are using now and if they contain chemicals, replace them with non-toxic natural products.  For your convenience, our store carries a broad line of natural, eco-friendly products that are compatible with life.

Read the labels on everything you buy that comes in contact with your skin or that you eat or breathe.  If they contain chemicals, they should be replaced with 100% natural products that are not harmful to you or your family.

If you live close to a heavily traveled road, you should consider relocating to a quieter location where there is less pollution in the air.  Exhaust fumes from cars and trucks and microscopic particulates from tires are very toxic and should be avoided.  Protect yourself with air filters and move to a safer location when you can.

Avoid breathing second hand smoke because it is just as dangerous.
All municipal tap water should be avoided from drinking or coming in contact with your skin because it is treated with strong chemicals. If possible, install a filter for your drinking, bath or shower water.

Just reading labels and being aware of these simple things can greatly reduce your exposure to deadly toxins that can accumulate in your body over the years and cause life-threatening disease.

To have a healthy life, it is essential to avoid toxins through a proper organic raw foods diet and through regular colonic hydrotherapy visits.

Thursday, November 29, 2012


Where Do I Get My Protein?

Proof that protein is commonly misunderstood is the fact that most of us still believe we only get protein from meat and dairy products when in fact it comes from both plants and animals.
veges Eat Mor Greens      
It is important to know that protein is made up of amino acids and what our body needs is the amino acids and not the full proteins.  When we eat protein, our body has to work hard to disassemble the protein so it can capture the amino acids and then reconstruct them into a new protein that is required by our body.  This is a complex process and can become extremely hard on our body if the protein is complex or long in length.
Protein comes from both plants and animals and is very different in composition.
complex protein
Example of simple protein
Example of complex protein

The protein from plants is a very simple or very short protein that is easy to disassemble and reconstruct while the protein from animals and dairy is complex and very difficult for our body to disassemble and reconstruct.
China StudyIt’s also important to know that plants have the perfect amount of protein in them.  In fact, they contain about 8% protein that happens to be exactly what our body requires.  Animal based foods like chicken, meat and dairy contain higher amounts of complex protein that is now known to cause most disease like cancer, heart disease and obesity.
Protein from plants is far superior to protein from animal based foods.  If you have any doubts, read “The China Study” by T. Colin Campbell that is the most comprehensive nutritional study ever undertaken and funded by our own National Institutes of Health and every other top rated cancer and heart association in the country.
The evidence is overwhelming that meat, dairy and processed foods are the biggest problems in our diet today and they are causing cancer and heart disease to soar out of control.
Another great reason to get your protein from plants rather than animals is that studies repeatedly show that vegan athletes are bigger, stronger, faster and have more endurance.

It is also important to know that there are certain high protein plants like hemp seed that are available if you want to increase your protein intake safely.
The main message is that our bodies require amino acids to make the protein we need and it is optimum if the amino acids come from very simple plant protein rather than protein from meat and dairy.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

4 power herbs for females

4 power herbs that banish female gynecologists

Indeed women are complicated. That much is obvious. By both natural design and the acknowledgement of even prehistoric, mythological culture, the life-bearing ways of the female human creature are both intricate and mysterious. But did you ever wonder why it seems women are always more susceptible to biological vulnerability?

The reasons are multi-fold. With so many biological conditions necessary for the effective functioning of the female reproductive system - from menstruation and fertility, to conception and child-bearing - women can be particularly sensitive to both internal and external stimuli. And current culture certainly offers plenty of health challenges from which to choose. If a woman has a poor diet, inactive lifestyle, a stressful career and is not well rested, for example, she may not only feel tense and physically congested, but also find she is at greater risk for complication. This is because these behaviors affect the metabolic rate and hormonal imbalance of the body, resulting in breast tenderness, skin blemishes, food cravings, lowered immune function, decreased resistance to pathogens and infectious germs, and any number of gynecological disorders.

To combat these unwanted developments, it is important for women to understand their bodies first from a holistic perspective, to acknowledge, regardless of the symptom that arises, that such symptoms are merely superficial indicators of a much deeper imbalance - one that requires meaningful lifestyle shifts related to diet, activity, etc. From there, to compliment the beneficial behaviors already in place, a woman may desire to seek additional therapeutic support from various herbal remedies, applicable toward everything from regulating and balancing hormones to relieving tension and pain.

Dong quai
Most popular for its success in relieving menstrual complaints and menopausal symptoms, this pungently sweet Chinese herb is also commonly applied in cases of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and is useful in addressing irregular cycles and cramping. Naturally high in vitamin B-12, Dong quai contains ferulic acid, a muscle relaxer and pain reliever, as well as blood-thinning chemicals known as coumarins, which work to improve circulation and ensure blood flow to female reproductive organs. Dong quai should be avoided by pregnant women and those suffering from either diarrhea or endometriosis.

Blue cohosh
This Native American medicine works primarily to help tone and strengthen the uterus. It contains an alkaloid called methyl cytosine, which is believed to be antispasmodic. It also combats painful menstrual flow irregularities by dilating blood vessels in the uterus, allowing for increased circulation in the pelvic area. Women who are pregnant; however, should take care to avoid all products containing blue cohosh. Large doses of the herb were once used by Native American tribes to prevent conception, though modern herbalists now consider it unreliable for that purpose.

Cinnamon bark
Look for medicinal quality cinnamon, known as Rou Gui, in either Chinese herbal pharmacies or health foods stores. Its pungent sweetness makes it the ideal warming ("yang") tonic for relieving menstrual cramps. Women who find they are chronically cold ("yin"), dry or frail and who may routinely be afflicted with osteoarthritis, asthma or digestive problems will enjoy the greatest benefits from this herbal remedy. Though its side effects are few, be sure to use cinnamon with caution during pregnancy.

Chaste tree berries
Reportedly used by monks back in the Middle Ages to help curb their sexual appetite, this herbal remedy may occasionally reduce sex drive in women, but not to the extent suggested by its clever name. These days, it plays a significant role in hormone regulation, acting directly on the brain's pituitary gland. Flavonoids present in chaste tree are known to slightly increase women's progesterone production, a lack of which is often the cause of menstrual complaints, infertility, heavy bleeding, excessive periods, irregular periods, no periods and PMS. Chaste tree is a bitter-tasting, slow-acting herb, but over several months, can prove helpful with all these conditions as well as premenstrual fluid retention and even acne. Due to its direct involvement in these hormonal processes, chaste tree is not recommended for use by pregnant women.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Mantras in Mediation

Although there are many different meditation techniques, methods, and theories, the end goal of meditation is always the same: to quiet the mind and establish a closer connection with your true Self (or soul or God). If you are not spiritual in any form this still applies, and can be befit you, as you de-stress your mind in the quite of your mind no matter what your belief system is. There are different schools of thought on what exactly the most efficient ways to do that are. 

As a refresher, the value of quieting your mind is that you are consciously (even if it’s for a short while) redirecting energy away from negative thoughts or beliefs that are not serving you. When you withdraw your focus and energy from negative thoughts, you immediately shift into a more positive, higher energy field. When you stop thought, you stop negative thought, and your energy frequency naturally rises. 

This has beneficial effects on both the body (lower blood pressure, deeper breathing, relaxation of muscles, healing in cells, lower anxiety levels) and the mind (increased clarity, focus, and concentration, as well as better sleep and improved mood). 

So how do you get to a place of non-thought? Then, once you’re there, how do you maintain it? This is something the yogis of thousands of years ago struggled with, and out of which the knowledge of mantras was slowly developed. Thus it's a tool, not an essential...just a tool.

“Mantra” is a Sanskrit word comprised of the root “man” which means mind and “tra,” or instrument. So mantra literally translates to “instrument of the mind.” Mantras were a tool that the yogis used to get from a place of scattered thought and outward focus, to stillness and inner focus. Turns out, focusing on a single thought or phrase that is neutral in nature (meaning it doesn’t bring up strong emotions or connections to anything in the physical world), is an excellent way to begin to focus and tone the mind. 

Repeating a mantra especially during the beginning of a period of meditation allows you to focus on a single thought or idea, which naturally prevents distraction from other random ideas, thoughts, and emotions that may keep cropping up. I personally found this very helpful for me, as the thoughts of my day or what I planned to do the next day etc always seemed to creep up on me and linger. Also, it is infinitely easier to focus on a single thought and slowly slip into a state of thoughtlessness than to try to get to a place of non-thought immediately. 

Mantras act as an effective tool to help you focus, calm, and train your mind so that you can free yourself from outward concerns, and connect to an inward space of infinite stillness, silence, and love. This can be either in word form, or image form in your mind.  Try a few out, and see what works for you. Other techniques include focus on the sound of your breaths in and out, any single thing you can focus on can transition you into the space of thought absence.

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Hemp. Just the word conjures images of the Drug Enforcement Administration and political battles. But industrial hemp is a far cry from marijuana and contains almost zero THC. An ancient crop, hemp has served humanity since 2000 BCE -- providing fibers for cloth and rope, building materials and paper. It's also an incredible source of food. Even the American founding fathers recognized the brilliance of hemp and cultivated it actively on their own land. Hemp is remarkably versatile and Eco-friendly with many modern applications for fuel, automobile fabrication, toxic waste removal and concrete manufacturing.  Having a vegetarian/near vegan diet I focus a lot on looking for healthy vegan protein sources, and hemp certainly is a prize in this arena.

A patriotic plant
George Washington declared, "Grow it everywhere, hemp is greatly viable for winning the war and sustaining a future fantastic for America." Washington along with Thomas Jefferson, appreciated the value of hemp as a 'cash crop' and encouraged its cultivation heartily. The colonists were urged to grow hemp due to its resilient nature and outstanding versatility. Interestingly, two of the most iconic symbols of the United States were made with hemp materials: The first American flag and the Declaration of Independence. During WWII, the government coaxed farmers to replace their crops with hemp by using the propaganda film Hemp for Victory and subsidies.

An important crop for economic prosperity and ecological health
The demand for hemp in the world market has made it a contemporary cash crop. New technologies have allowed hemp to be made into soft and durable clothing, biofuel, insulation, lightweight yet strong concrete as well as paving materials that last for hundreds of years. And hemp is exceptionally eco-friendly. It removes carbon dioxide from the air and pumps out oxygen -- offering a practical solution for global warming. Astoundingly, one acre of hemp produces more oxygen than 25 acres of forest land. Hemp can also be used for biodegradable plastic and building materials that are "non-toxic, non-flammable, mold and mildew resistant and cash positive," according to Scott Thill in the article Ten Great Reasons to Kill America's Ban on Growing Hemp. Henry Ford even manufactured a car body out of a hemp resin and demonstrated its resiliency by taking a sledge hammer to the side panel -- not a nick, dent or blemish to be found. In France, bridges made of hemp and lime are centuries old.

Hemp is easy to grow in a variety of soils and conditions, drought tolerant and resists pests. As an added bonus, hemp does not strip the soil of vital nutrients but actually enriches it. Hemp has also been used successfully as a toxic waste 'sponge' for nuclear disasters and chemical spills.

Extraordinary survival food
Hemp is an incredible superfood. An excellent source of protein, essential fatty acids, zinc, iron and magnesium -- hemp seeds have been consumed throughout history during times of famine and long sea journeys. Hemp is a high quality, complete protein. Sixty-five percent of the protein content is in the form of globulin edestin which supports the immune system. The perfect ratio of fatty acids found in hemp oil fosters healthy brain function, repairs DNA damage and wards off inflammation. High fiber levels in the seed keep the digestive system happy too.

In the words of Thomas Jefferson, "Hemp is of first necessity to the wealth and protection of the country." Intriguing that in our modern day of failed economies and environmental crisis, the cultivation of hemp remains illegal in the United States when it could easily and efficiently solve many of our troubles.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

How to initiate positive change

I'd like to post more information on mental well being in the next few blog posts.  I find that so much of our ailments stem from our mind, or get triggered by our thoughts.  Today lets focus on change. 

1. Think a different thought. We all have certain beliefs, expectations, and patterns of thought about certain subjects that seem natural to us, because we have practiced those thoughts for so long. The number one reason it’s hard to get out of a rut or create change is because we keep thinking the same thoughts about a given subject. If you keep thinking you're not capable of completing a certain task, chances are that you won't be, not because you aren't capable of it, but because you hold on to the belief that you aren't and that alone can prevent you from accomplishing it.  Jolt yourself out of an energy rut by forcing your mind to view things from a different, more favorable perspective, and then try to hold that new perspective for as long as possible.  Doubt and fear is such a strong road block!

2. Take a different action. As they say, madness is doing the same thing and expecting different results. If you want something to be different in your life, or just wanting to create some excitement, the change has to start with you first. There are no boring lives, only boring people. So if you want a different result, take a different action, even if it is small one. Do something uncomfortable, something unexpected, something without fear of failure, if it's in the direction of something you want to accomplish, it will never be a failure, because there is no such this as failure, only lessons. You can't learn anything or experience anything new if you don't first attempt it.

3. Come from a place of abundance, not lack. A lot of times, when people want something or someone in their life to be different, they automatically start from a place of negativity and lackfulness, which undermines the change they are hoping to create. “I hate my job, I wish I had a different one” will continue to bring you more experiences that reinforce that same belief. A simple shift to, “I’m grateful for having a job and am in the process of creating an even better one” can be really impactful, set yourself up for change, don't dwell in what you don't want in your life, focus on what you Do want without resisting it, and do this by appreciating the things you currently have. This new statement puts you in a more powerful vibrational place of appreciation and hope rather than desperation. Always act as if what you want is already on its way to you and a part of your life already. What’s showing up in your life isn’t necessarily what you want. You’re simply getting a reflection of what you already believe about yourself and your world. A belief in lack only creates more lack. Creating change from a present place of appreciation and abundance is much more powerful than a feeling of lack. This is very powerful in healing from an injury or illness. 

4. Live in the moment. All of your power is exactly in the Now. The past and future are literally figments of our imagination. Tools for the mind to be able to string experiences together into a linear fashion. The Universe only understands now, now, now. Take advantage of the infinite potential that each moment holds when it is unclouded by regrets from the past and worries about the future. They only affect you if you let them! There are no coincidences, failures or events that shouldn't have happened, everything happens for a reason, from devastation comes the lessons after, and perspective on how to live your next moment.  Remember, changing your energy vibration in the current moment is literally shaping your point of attraction for the future. So getting happy now is actually like making an investment in your future.

5. Pay attention to your gut. Don’t ignore your could save your life one day. 95% of the information we get from a person or situation is non-verbal in nature. Pay attention to how something or someone is making you feel. Your emotions are your guidance system and will never fail you, when you learn to quiet your mind and tune in. Your instinct will steer you in the right direction and help you create positive change if you learn to listen.

Friday, November 23, 2012

November Conscious box

BioRay Loving Energy
Feeling a little down? You may need to replenish your adrenal glands! Loving Energy is a restorative and calming Traditional Chinese Kidney Yin Tonic. Its ingredients are often used for relieving stress and exhaustion, and are especially effective for parents and teachers, as it restores vital creative energy when one is giving rather than receiving. Get rid of that brain fog and replenish your Loving Energy!

100% recyclable, BPA-Free, and 1000% easier to drink with than from a topless canning car, Cuppow is the most practical, inventive thing to hit your mason rack since the mason jar itself! It fits virtually any jar, is more sustainable and better performing than disposable cups, and beats the price of expensive, over-built travel mugs. Enjoy!

Ojio is THE source for your superfood needs, from agave nectar to Himalayan salt to spirulina and yerba mate! We’re super excited about Ojio’s incredible hemp seeds: packed with 33 percent highly digestible protein, omega-6, omega-3, vitamin E oils, Iron, AND chlorophyll. Certified organic, this super foods is seriously super. Oh, and just remember: you can't get high on hemp seeds—you can only get healthy :)

Rocking Green Soap
On the road to develop a better way to clean cloth diapers, Rocking Green developed an award-winning laundry blend that is incredibly clean-rinsing and bodacious for bottoms of all ages. Perfect for sensitive skin, good on the environment, and a crucial part in the cloth diaper sustainability mission!

Sacred Chocolate
With a rich taste all its own, Sacred Chocolate is an incredible find for the chocolate-aficionado. Raw, stone-ground, organic, and vegan, Sacred Chocolate is made even better by an artisan approach to hand-pour and hand-wrap each and every piece of chocolate. You can truly taste the love and gratitude in each bite!

Safonique Laundry Detergent
If you’ve ever held your nose to your dirty laundry and thought, “this need something powerful,” we’ve got a great find for you! Hypoallergenic and free of phosphates, chlorine, and dyes, Safonique gets stained clothes back to being your favorite set of threads, while illuminating an impressively luxurious scent of lavender. Now that's fresh!

Sun Warrior
Sun Warrior protein blends are some of the most coveted protein sources we’ve ever found. With a truly unbeatable taste and mix-ability, Sun Warrior takes the gold for a protein and nutrient supplement that doesn’t just add grit and clumps of power to the everyday drink. If you shutter at the thought of a protein or supplement drink, just try this—and be a warrior!

Yogi Tea
We’re suckers for a good cup of tea, and it’s the perfect season to experience Yogi Tea. With over 50 blends of premium organic revitalizing brews, you're sure to tantalize your taste buds and warm yourself to the core. Take a moment for yourself and discover how good sipping tea can be :)

Yumé Blush
Here’s a great rule of thumb: if you wouldn’t eat it, don’t put it on your skin! Yumé Blush passes that test with flying colors… it’s delicious! 100% vegan with no synthetic or artificial ingredients, and no bitter aftertaste, even the tiniest drop quickly absorbes and leaves your body, lips, and face soft and smooth. With incredible ingredients that can help stretch marks, treat burns, and is anti-aging, this exotic body butter makes for a great sensual massage oil that’s safe for everywhere. Yummy! Already my favorite!

Keen-Wäh Decadence Organic Chocolate Chia Protein Bar
YogaEarth's Keen-Wah Decadence is a guilt-free treat that will nourish you through your daily practice, whether on the Yoga mat, at your desk, at home, or on-the-go. What you put in your body really matters, so take a bite of the world's first organic, vegan, gluten-free superfood bar made with quinoa—nature's best vegan and gluten-free source of complete protein.

Surthrival Thriving Toothbrush
Most toothbrushes are plastic and laden with BPA. Make the switch to a 100% natural toothbrush, with a handle made of sustainably harvested bamboo and biodegradable polymer bristles. Stop throwing plastic away—go sustainable!

BONUS! Chicaoji

Prepare yourself for a super-flavored, super-spiced, super-smoky, super-seductive superfood of a hot sauce! Featuring raw goji berries, cacao, agave, celtic sea salt, and deliciously flavored chipotles, Chicaoji (chee-COW-jee) is bound to be your new sauce on the table. Try it on anything, and make good food taste better!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Breaking Negative Thought Patterns

Five Step Process To Breaking A Negative Thought Pattern

A simple, five step process to recognizing and breaking negative thought patterns:

1. Catch yourself in the act.
Most people don’t even recognize when they are having a negative thought, because it is so ingrained in their thought pattern, that they don’t even perceive it as “negative”. They see it as Truth. As reality. Most people also erroneously assume that other people would have the same thought / reaction if faced with a similar stimuli or circumstance. For example, take the thought, “This traffic is so terrible. I am wasting so much time. I can’t believe I have to deal with this.”

This thought, while it may seem logical and true, creates a stress response in the body. The basis of this thought is, “I have been put into an unpleasant circumstance that I cannot control. I will attempt to fight back by reacting negatively and with resistance.” Feel the emotional space of helplessness and anger that this thought places you in. If you hold this negative emotion strongly enough, and for long enough, you will find yourself in many, many other circumstances where you feel helpless and out of control, because Law of Attraction naturally continues to draw to you what you are most dominantly feeling. That’s why it is so important to catch yourself in a chronic, negative underlying thought pattern.

Direct your mind to a positive thought, think for something that you do like about the situation such as, "Now that I'm here in traffic, this gives me more time to listen to my favorite songs, and enjoy the music". You knowledge your situation but don't dwell on the fact that it's something you don't want, turn it into a positive experience, which starts with thought.

2. Recognize that you are thinking the thought; the thought is not thinking you.
This gives you some immediate relief, as you now have some power back as you realize that you are thinker of this thought – it did not just think you (although sometimes it seems as if our thoughts are thinking us). This also almost instantly diffuses the negative energy associated with thought, because as you shine a spotlight on it, it loses its power. As you begin to observe your thoughts, you gain a more objective, detached perspective that helps you assess the situation more rationally.

In the example above, you may say to yourself, “I may not be able to control the traffic, but I can control how I feel. I recognize that this thought is not serving me, and I choose to not allow it to overwhelm me.”

3. Consciously release the negative energy or emotion that is associated with the thought.
As you release the negative emotion and tension associated with the negative thought, it has less of a negative influence on your vibrational frequency. This is an extremely important step. Remember, this is not some intellectual exercise of seeing the glass half full. You are trying to consciously change your thoughts and emotions to change your vibrational frequency and energy pattern. Releasing negative emotion at its core releases resistance so that you begin to attract more positive energy automatically.

What are the underlying emotions of being irritated in traffic, for example? Lack of control, helplessness, anger, frustration – to name a few. Are there other aspects of your life that you feel this way? Chances are, one of these emotions might be a chronic negative emotional pattern for you. This is when you begin to see that it has nothing to do with the traffic. It never did. The traffic is just a consequence, a mirror, to what you are already feeling and vibrating. This is a powerful realization.

4. Replace the negative thought, with a more positive (but believable) one.
For this concrete example, you might say to yourself, “Well the traffic is bad, and I would rather not be here, but maybe I can use this time to take in some deep breaths and relax. Maybe I can listen to a nice song or program on the radio.” Anything can be a meditative experience, if you will let it be. Releasing resistance and negative energy is all about accepting the moment as it is, rather than fighting it. The key here is to begin to soothe yourself by telling yourself things that you can actually sort of believe – otherwise the exercise will seem disingenuous and forced.

5. Feel the positive energy or emotion associated with the new thought and then place conscious focus and attention on it for as long as possible.
This is the last and most important step. Focusing on the positive emotion and feelings of the new thought is what allows a new energy pattern to replace the old one. You new thought might have made you feel more relaxed, less stressed, less anxious. You are now in a completely different emotional and vibrational place than you were a few minutes ago.

This now allows you to access all of the creative solutions the Universe has already created for you. At a higher vibrational frequency, these solutions become visible in a way they were not when you were in a bad place emotionally. You might think of a shortcut or alternate route that you had not thought of before. The traffic may become (seemingly magically) lighter – this is the Universe or your higher self working on your behalf. Another mode of transport or another way to commute might occur to you. Or you might find that you are actually enjoying being alone and relaxed with your thoughts for those few extra minutes- and your energy is better, which will have an automatic positive impact on all other areas of your life as well.

Whatever the case, you have now dealt with a seemingly negative situation in a much more powerful, intuitive, and effective way.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Headaches & Acupressure

Acupressure/finger acupuncture techniques for headaches

Today I wanted to cover acupressure because last night I suffered a headache that stayed with me all day, then out of nowhere I decided to try the technique of pressing the pressure point between the thumb and pointer finger and it turned off my headache like a light switch would turn off a light...I was definitely surprised at how effective it was for me so would like to share some techniques for headaches. 

Acupressure or finger acupuncture is a variation of traditional acupuncture. It can be helpful as a self-help tool for the treatment of mild to moderately painful headaches. It is a technique of massaging acupuncture points related to headache. There are two important acupressure points useful in treating headaches.



  • Locate the important points detailed below.
  • Press firmly over the point and begin rubbing in a circular motion two to three cycles per second. Use moderate pressure.
  • It works best if done on both sides at the same time. Thus, you may need a friend or relative to help.
  • You can perform this procedure for up to five minutes many times per day when you have a headache.
  • Acupressure is a safe, non-drug, simple-to-learn technique that can provide relief for mild to moderate headaches.


Point Feng-chi - location and technique

  • Below the occipital bone, about 1.5 inches lateral to the midlinefeng of the head.
  • Sit down and bend the head forward.
  • Use thumb(s) to massage firmly in a circular motion.


Point Ho-ku - location and technique

  • Over the dorsum of the hand, in between the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones. point ho ku
  • Lie or sit down.
  • Use thumb to press firmly against the 2nd metacarpal bone and massage in a circular motion.
  • It is best to have both sides done at the same time, but if no one is able to help, you can massage one side for up to five minutes and then switch to the other side.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Gluten and GMOs

Incidence of gluten sensitivity skyrocketing in the U.S. - Are GMOs to blame?
 Gluten intolerance has reached epidemic proportions -- a staggering 40 percent of the U.S. population now suffers from it in one form or another. Celiac disease alone strikes one in every 133 Americans. Taking into account the fact that gluten sensitivity has risen sharply over the last 20 years, researchers and food safety advocates are looking at the role GMOs play in this this dramatic spike.

The dynamics of food intolerance

When a person has a sensitivity, the body believes the ingested food is an 'invader' and embarks on a mission to destroy the irritating substance. Unfortunately, the microvilli in the small intestine are harmed in the attack and leaky gut syndrome develops. Because of this damage, the gut wall becomes overly permeable and molecules of food are inappropriately digested. These molecules then leach into the bloodstream and the body responds with inflammation. Food sensitivities and malabsorption issues soon follow. This sets the stage for a spectrum of disease from autism to irritable bowel syndrome to cancer.


Compromised gut lining linked with GMOs

Gluten is notoriously difficult to digest even under the best of circumstances. Because of this, it is a prime candidate for triggering a food intolerance -- especially when the intestinal wall has been compromised. While genetically modified wheat, rye and barley have yet to make an appearance in the marketplace, several other GM crops may be responsible for the dramatic rise in gluten intolerance. Jeffrey Smith's documentary Genetic Roulette: The Gamble of Our Lives reveals how GMOs destroy the digestive tract of mammals. Smith believes that the Bt toxin found in genetically modified food actually creates holes in the gut lining, leading to leaky gut syndrome. This may explain why gluten intolerance has become prevalent since GMOs were introduced into the food supply.


How to heal the gut from GMO damage

A good first step to healing leaky gut syndrome and subsequent gluten sensitivities is to remove all genetically modified and gluten foods from the diet. Wheat, rye and barley are the primary foods that contain gluten, but cross contamination during processing is common with other grains like oats. Once the diet is purified, adding probiotics, healthy fats and a few specific supplements will help to rebuild and heal the digestive tract.

Leo Galland, MD and director of the Foundation for Integrated Medicine recommends the following:

Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) - A polypeptide that heals damage in the small intestine.

Saccharomyces boulardii - A beneficial yeast that helps to soothe gut tissues.

Glutamine - Assists in repairing villous atrophy and minimizes the passage of toxins through the intestinal wall.

Gamma-oryzanol - Repairs ulcers in the intestinal tract.

Fiber, probiotics and essential fatty acids have also been shown to encourage gut wall integrity.

With GMOs wreaking havoc on our digestive systems, it's no wonder gluten intolerance is on the rise. By taking active steps to clean up the diet and heal the gut, this widespread malady can be conquered and health restored.