If you focus on the thought "I can't" it will turn into a belief and you can't. If you repeat the thought that "I can" it will turn into a belief and then you can.
You are send a clear message that what you are saying is your belief and what you want to see showing up in your life. Why else would you say it?
Conscious language helps you identify your limiting beliefs and turn them around to serve your highest choices.
Not only that, but every sound you utter is energy that plays a role in creating your world, also made up of energy. It might sound a little out there, but if you stop and think about the words you find yourself saying a lot of the time (which mirror your thoughts and focus), perhaps without conscious thought, do those things show up often in your world? It’s quite likely.It makes sense then that choosing language that is supportive of you and others, that is positive, that affirms and states what you choose to experience, be, do, and create, and that doesn’t limit or “short change” you in anyway would be a smart approach.
When you choose to use disempowering language like “I should” or “I can’t,” you are giving your personal power away and living and creating from a state of fear and self-sabotage. Instead, you can choose to create the experience that best serves you with your words and step more fully into the life you choose for yourself.
Here are a few simple changes you can make to your language so it is more conscious and supportive of your positive beliefs, (limitless) potential, intentions, and desires.
It’s fun to notice how much you can shift and create just with your language...give it a try:)1. Be Conscious of What You Say after “I Am”
This is one of the most powerful expressions we can use. What you say after “I am” creates who you are as an individual. It shapes your personality, ego, confidence, and subconscious. Choose to say only positive expressions of who you are and let go of any negative, limiting talk that isn’t in line with whom you choose to be. Even if you don’t feel you fully believe it, you can still affirm whom you choose to be as you step more fully into this higher expression of yourself.
2. Use “I Choose,” “I Can,” and “I Desire” rather than “I Must,” “I Want,” “I Need,” “I Should,” and “I Shouldn’t”
You are always the pilot of your life, so expressing what you choose to create and can do is far more empowering than suggesting you need, want, must, should, or shouldn’t do something. This is focusing on the lack in your life and setting yourself up as a victim rather than the master of your own life. There is no dependence in “I choose” or “I am.”
3. If You Hear Yourself Saying Something Negative or Limiting Out Loud (for example “I could never play tennis like that,” or “I’m not good at public speaking”) Reframe It
Instead, use “I will continue to improve my tennis skills,” and “I am an excellent public speaker and choose to be even better with each day!”
4. Take the Word “Try” out of Your Language
There is no trying to do something or not trying to—you are either going to do it and give it your full focus, or you are not. Either is fine and perfect and entirely your decision, but recognize there is no trying involved. Have you ever tried to pick up a chair? No. You’ve either picked it up or you haven’t.