Saturday, November 27, 2021

11-Day Water Only Fast - Day 9


Aussie brothers Sinclair and Saxon tell us about putting their bodies on the line to see what happens when they didn't eat food for 40 days. 
Day 9, I'm so proud of myself for being able to surpass my last fasting length, all while feeling amazing! I slept really well after taking some L-Tryptophan and Melatonin. I did have weird dreams though. Today was a long shift day at work, so I worked from 10pm last night until 3pm. I was able to keep my energy good throughout the day, getting in some squats and leaning on the counter push-ups though the day to keep my muscles active. I may not do much walking for the rest of my fasting period because the weather is so incredibly cold. I will take my dog for her usual walk in the morning though, once she's permitted to after a couple days of recover.

I've noticed that I've felt like meditating more, and did a few sessions from the MindValley app that I just loved, and plan to continue that practice for the duration of my fast. 

I spent the evening doing my usual routine, hour in the sauna, but only a hot shower today, then snuggle with my pup until I went to work at 8pm. I had warm water all day long, my electrolyte fasting powder, and tried a new loose leave herbal tea I had bought from my local co-op. 
All in all another great day in the books of water fasting! 

My weight this morning was 119.7 lbs and 26.3% body fat.