Friday, November 26, 2021

11-Day Water Only Fast - Day 8

Dr Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo, the Scientific Director of the Buchinger Wilhelmi fasting clinics, talks about the benefits of Long-term Fasting. She also explains the advantages compared to intermittent fasting. Buchinger Wilhelmi actively contributes towards international research on fasting and “real-food” nutrition: The research department led by Dr. Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo and coordinated by scientific project manager Franziska Grundler is currently working on several major studies.

Day 8, I'm currently back to work, as yesterday was my last of my 5 days off, so I have 9 days of work ahead. 9 long days I may add. I work overnights at a group home with hours ranging from 10, 12, and 18 hours a shift. Surprisingly, I don't mind having to prepare and cook meals, in fact I really enjoy it, even though I can't taste any of it at this time. I joke (yet genuinely in asking) about offering to make my family a cup of coffee throughout the evening hours when everyone is home, just so I can indulge in the amazing aroma! I'm not tempted to consume anything, and have zero hunger, but still thoroughly enjoy amazing smells aromatic foods have to offer. 

Unlike most of the days, I didn't do a lot exercise in any way today. My pup isn't allowed any physical activity for several days, so no morning walks with her for several days, and I didn't want to leave her alone as she's recovering, so no solo walk for me either. I'm not bothered by that, as the temps are freezing with strong winds and occasional flurries, and my fasted body is colder than ever. I did however make a point to move my body through the day, making sure that at least every few hours I stretch and do some pushups against the counter, and deep squats. Near the end of the day my thigh muscles were very sore! As mentioned before, I'm determined to conserve as much muscle mass as possible on this extended water fast. 

I ended off my day with an hour in my infrared sauna, then after a therapeutic hot/cold shower, I snuggled into bed to watch some fasting and plant based sos free recipe videos (my new obsession...highly recommend the Plant Based Dads YouTube channel) with my pup for about half an hour until I headed off to work at 10pm. 

To help me sleep I took L-Tryptophan to relax my body and Melatonin to help me sleep, and it worked great. 

My weight this morning was 120.1lbs and 26.4% body fat.