Tuesday, November 23, 2021

11-Day Water Only Fast - Day 5

Talk with Dr. Goldhamer for FREE about how diet and fasting can benefit your health at https://www.healthpromoting.com/

Day five was another great day, with ample energy. I went for a 2.36 mile walk with my dog and came home to rest for 2hrs before going on a 3.8 mile walk on my own. I felt very energized, with that weird contrast of weakness, but no headaches, dizzy spells or anything to disrupt my day. 

I felt great from start to finish. Nothing else too significant to report on this day, it was similar to the last. I did find myself bored at one point and had the urge to cook dinner for my parents. I didn’t have any cravings to eat it, but just wanted to do something different and active to break up my day. 

I then ended my day with an hour in my infrared sauna before my bedtime routine of reading and writer in my journal. 

All in all, a fantastic day!

My weight this morning was 121.4 lbs and 27% body fat.