Monday, November 22, 2021

11-Day Water Only Fast - Day 4


Dr. Goldhamer is the founder of TrueNorth Health Center — one of the first and largest facilities in the world that specialize in medically supervised water-only fasting -- where has overseen thousands of water fasts and helped patients radically transform their lives — from ditching medication to overcoming a litany of common but chronic lifestyle diseases. Today we talk all things water fasting, food addiction, whole plant diets, and the power of the body to heal.

Day four, another amazing successful day. Although I didn’t take a second walk besides the 1 mile walk with my dog, due to the very cold weather, I did do some resistant training at home. I actually got in quite a good work out, while somewhat taking it easy. My body feels energized and weak at the same time, it’s hard to explain, but breathing is laborious, in the sense that it feels like a lot of effort to breath, needing to breath consciously. However, my breathe feels very clear and fresh, positive I’ve notice.

So, I would say it was another day of decent energy, definitely not run a mile energy, but short tasks energy. I still feel the need to take deep slow breaths, I think it’s a reflex to conserve energy. It’s a weird sensation of having energy to move your limbs, but also getting winded.

The empty feeling of the stomach never goes away though. I wasn’t hungry, nor did I crave food, but had the empty feeling gnaw at me, remind me that my stomach is empty.

The one negative thing I did experience that bothered me this day was the struggle to sleep in the night. I went to bed at the usual early 9pm, but tossed and turned for 2hrs, then woke up again at 1:30am for another hour, and didn’t quite get the consistent sleep I had been getting.

Another negative, which isn’t a big deal, but very noticeable, is the tongue getting really white, and your mouth always being dry, it’s not a nice feeling, but I tend to experience it every day of a prolonged water fast. You learn to live with it!

And to mention a positive, my skin feels amazing, so soft and clear! I have felt no dizziness or extreme fatigue, or headaches since the first couple of days.

Passing the time. Through all the days fasting I chose to watch a ton of YouTube vlogs of other people sharing their prolonged fasting experiences and found myself both inspired and judging all the mistakes they made, but all in all I really enjoyed them. I also watched a lot of talks from experts who run fasting clinics like the Buchinger Wilhelmi Clinic and TrueNorth Health center, and several interviews from experts like Dr. Fung (although he focuses on intermittent fasting and low carb), Dr. Alan Goldhamer (from TrueNorth), Dr FrancoiseWilhelmi de Toledo (from Buchinger Wilhelmi), and several others. These are the people I get the bulk of my knowledge from to execute a safe and successful, healthy water fast. They’ve spent decades healing patients in their facilities through prolonged water fasts and have shared ample amounts of studies proving the health benefits and healing that occurred.

All in all, another great day of fasting, and it seems to get better and better each day!

My weight this morning was 122.7 lbs and 27.6% body fat.