Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Garden Update & Harvest - 6/27/16

 6/27/16 - Lettuce is full!
  6/27/16 - Garden update
  6/27/16 -  Cucumbers coming in
 6/27/16 - several cucumbers almost ready
 6/27/16 - Zucchinis are also ready at any time!
 6/27/16 - I like to let the Zucchinis get nice and big because they taste just as good!
 6/27/16 - Zucchinis - third plant
 6/27/16 - Lettuce - a field of dreams for bunnies. I had it covered up so the cute little bunny I spotted leaving my garden edge didn't get any...so I left the last row uncovered. I see the tiny bunny a lot, it lives in the in the neighbors bushes^_^
 6/27/16 - Today's Harvest - My 1st and uniquely shaped Zucchini

6/27/16 - Today's Harvest - Lots of lettuce, a small cucumber for dinner and an oddly shaped zucchini!