8 Unexpected Reasons You Should Never Trash Banana Peels
Soothe Rashes
For poison ivy rashes, the Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry recommends rubbing the infected area with the lining of a banana peel for a temporary cooling effect.
Feed the Roses
For healthier rose
blooms, cut banana peels into one-inch strips and bury them at the base
of the plant. Do this every month. According to SF Gate,
because the peels decompose quickly, they easily release potassium,
magnesium, phosphates, and other minerals that nourish the roses.
Feed the Roses
For healthier rose
blooms, cut banana peels into one-inch strips and bury them at the base
of the plant. Do this every month. According to SF Gate,
because the peels decompose quickly, they easily release potassium,
magnesium, phosphates, and other minerals that nourish the roses.
Polish Shoes
Shoe polish contains naphtha, combustible petroleum that disintegrates wax. Use a banana peel lining instead to polish your kicks.
Ripen Avocados
Place a tough
avocado in a paper bag with ripened banana peels (or the whole banana)
and close. Within about 24 hours, the peels’ ethylene, a hormone that
induces ripening, will soften the avocado.
Repel Pests
Forget insecticides.
For aphid problems, bury chopped-up peels (whole ones will attract
squirrels and other rodents) one to two inches deep in the soil around
Remove Warts
The University of Maryland Medical Center
suggests cutting a small piece of a ripe peel and placing it on a
common plantar, or flat wart. Affix tape to keep it on overnight.
After using banana peels, throw them in the compost bin.