Thursday, April 2, 2015

Greenhouse 4/1/15

 4/1/15 - Greenhouse update
 4/1/15 - Greenhouse update
 4/1/15 - Greenhouse update
4/1/15 - Seascape Everbearing strawberry roots arrived and look great!
 4/1/15 - Seascape Everbearing strawberry roots
 4/1/15 - Soaking the Seascape Everbearing strawberry roots before planting
 4/1/15 - planting the Seascape Everbearing strawberry plant
 4/1/15 - Seascape Everbearing strawberry plants for the garden
 4/1/15 - Seascape Everbearing strawberry plant
 4/1/15 - 2 Seascape Everbearing strawberry plants planted in big pots to keep at home
 4/1/15 - Cossack Pineapple ground cherry tomato
  4/1/15 - Seascape Everbearing strawberry plants, lettuce planted, cucumbers planted, Garlic and pok choy