Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Himalayan Salt

Why Himalayan Salt is the perfect storable barter item for preparedness and survival

Most people vastly underestimate the amount of salt they will need in a survival scenario. This happens because all our food is pre-salted right now by food manufacturers. So we don't think we need extra salt. But in the absence of processed, pre-salted food, an individual's need for real salt is surprisingly high.

Salt is essential for life. That's why every land animal seeks out salt and craves it. It's why ocean creatures live in waters made out of salt. It's why human blood is fundamentally made with salt. Your body cannot retain water without salt, and when a hospital drips an IV solution into your bloodstream to keep you alive, it's a salt (saline) solution!

Your body was engineered to like the taste of salt because your body absolutely needs salt's minerals in order to survive.

Hundreds of uses for salt

Full-spectrum salt has a multitude of uses, including:

• Adding trace minerals to sprouts and gardens
• Making salted meats and fish for long-term storage
• Day-to-day cooking and meal preparation
• Animal licks for raising healthy livestock
• Finalizing fermented foods such as sauerkraut
• Making butter and cheese
• Bath salts, for soaking up trace minerals in bath water

Why Himalayan Salt is the perfect preparedness and barter item

• Himalayan Salt stores forever. There is no expiration date. Pack it away today and it will still be there a thousand years later. This salt, of course, has been sitting underneath the Himalayan mountains for eons.

• Trace minerals. Himalayan Salt contains more than just sodium and chloride. It delivers 80+ other elements, including trace minerals that are needed for basic biology.

• Salt preserves foods. If you have salt, you can make salted meats, salted fish, butter and fermented foods like sauerkraut. Salt makes other foods turn into preparedness foods. In a survival scenario, you can never have enough salt. Much like gold, silver and ammo, salt retains its value year after year. It never loses value because humans will always need salt to survive.

• Salt prevents dehydration. Did you know that if your body lacks salt, it cannot hold water? Salt is the essential compound that allows your body to hold water and move water throughout your body's 100 trillion cells. Without salt, any person or animal will die of dehydration. That's why animals in the wild will travel sometimes hundreds of miles to reach salt licks.

• Processed white salt is bad for you. Stop using processed white salt. Just like white bread and white rice, it's overly processed and stripped of essential nutrients. Only full-spectrum salt such as Himalayan Salt or Celtic Sea Salt should ever be used by any health-conscious consumer.

• Completely free from modern-day pollution. This Himalayan Salt was formed by the Earth millions of years before modern humans polluted the oceans. Thus, it is completely free from pesticides, PCBs, and other synthetic chemicals of any kind.

Himalayan Salt available now from the Natural News store

We have four Himalayan Salt solutions available right now at the Natural News Store:

6.6 pounds of find-ground Himalayan Salt packed in #10 steel cans with an extra layer of non-BPA plastic protection inside, in a re-sealable storage bag.

16 oz. of Himalayan Salt packed in a stand-up pouch, with a clear front window so you can see the salt. Very beautiful crystals!

6.6 pounds coarse-ground Himalayan Salt packed in #10 steel cans, with the extra re-sealable storage bag inside.

16 oz. coarse-ground Himalayan Salt in a stand-up pouch. (This one looks particularly beautiful as we are now using clear "window" fronts for these bags. It makes a great gift.)

Why #10 steel cans?

• #10 steel cans have become incredibly popular as the perfect storage container for preparedness. The U.S. military almost exclusively uses #10 cans for all its can-based food supplies. #10 cans fit in a pantry and are easy to handle, even for people who are not especially strong.

• #10 steel cans are rodent-proof, moisture-proof and oxygen-proof. They are not bullet proof, however, so don't use 'em for target practice.

• #10 steel cans have uses even after you open them and remove the salt content. You can use them as storage containers, water buckets and more.

Find Himalayan Salt and many other preparedness items at the Natural News Store.