Green superfoods are extremely rich in chlorophyll - the pigment that gives plants their green color. The molecular structure of chlorophyll is very similar to that of human blood and studies show that when this is consumed, the production of hemoglobin in blood is increased. Higher amounts of hemoglobin in the bloodstream means more oxygen-rich blood, the first and most important element that cells need to thrive.
Having recently adopted a high fruit diet it's important I get my minerals, and all my nutrients, so I make sure I get in some green superfoods daily!
I take the easy route and purchased a high quality wheat grass powder that has been very convenient for me. I whip up a large fruit smoothie in the morning, and put a heaping teaspoon in for the day. I purchased mine from
Barley grass - Barley grass has 11 times more calcium than cows milk, 5 times more iron than spinach and 7 times more Vitamin C and bio-flavonoids than orange juice. It contains significant amounts of Vitamin B12 which is very important in a vegetarian diet. Barley grass juice has anti-viral activities and neutralizes heavy metals such as mercury in the blood.
Wild blue-green algae - Algae was the first form of life on Earth and its power is immense. Wild blue-green algae is a phyto-plankton and contains virtually every nutrient. With a 60% protein content and a more complete amino acid profile than beef or soy beans. It contains one of the best known food sources of beta carotene, B vitamins and chlorophyll. It has been shown to improve brain function and memory, strengthen the immune system and help with viruses, colds and flu. I also purchased some blue-green algae, and have yet to incorporate it into my diet, learned some amazing ways to prepare it from Dr. Casar. I also purchased it from Earth Shift Products.
Spirulina - Spirulina is a cultivated micro-algae which has been consumed for thousands of years by the indigenous peoples in Mexico and Africa. It is one of the highest known protein sources on Earth and contains 70% complete protein, towering over steak which consists of only 25% protein once cooked. Studies have shown that spirulina can help control blood sugar levels and cravings thus making it a key food for diabetics, and can be used to assist in weight loss and as a general nutritional supplement. This is one that I've been taking daily for awhile now. I used to put the powder into my smoothies, but now I just pop in the pill form of Spriulin/Chlorella daily for a whopping dose of it's health benefits.
Chlorella - Chlorella is a fresh water algae and like its other algae cousins contains a complete protein profile, all the B vitamins, vitamin C and E and many minerals. It is amazing for the immune system and for reducing cholesterol and preventing the hardening of the arteries, a precursor to heart attacks and strokes. As mentioned above, I take this daily in the morning, and do have separate Chlorella pills as well, so if I feel a need to take it separately I do. It's also a great way to help rid yourself of heavy metals such as mercury from your system.