We live in a modern world filled with chemicals where we are exposed to a steady flow of large amounts of toxins every day. Scientists have already detected up to 300 different toxic chemicals in the average person’s blood and studies of newborns have found the presence of an average of 200 industrial chemicals in their blood. Most of these toxic chemicals are found in products that we all use every day, such as household cleaning products, cosmetics, soaps, personal care products, food, medications, alcohol, tobacco, drugs and even the air we breathe and the water we drink.
Our bodies have a limited ability to filter out and eliminate these toxins and are being overwhelmed by the large amounts that exceed our capacity to detoxify naturally. Clearly, we need help to keep our bodies clean so that we can remain healthy and disease free. We must detoxify ourselves by avoiding these toxins to the best of our ability and by using natural methods to cleanse our bodies. I say “natural” methods because I don’t believe we should be putting more toxins in the form of pills into our bodies, which will only make matters worse. Natural means just that. It means absolutely no man-made chemicals and no pills.
The average person is carrying at least ten pounds of accumulated toxic waste in their colon that comes from a lifetime of coatings on top of coatings of the toxins that our body is unsuccessfully trying to expel and the dead cells that our body constantly eliminates. Ten Pounds! Pick up something that weighs ten pounds and feel how heavy it is. That’s how much (or more) that is in your colon right now!
3,500 years ago, the Greeks witnessed the long legged cranes standing in the water and squirting water into their rectums. Why would they do that? It didn’t take long for the Greeks to figure out that this was nature’s way of cleaning the crane’s colon to keep them healthy. This was the beginning of colon cleansing for good health and it was inspired by mother nature.
Since then, hydrotherapy has advanced to the point where we can now safely cleanse our colon with periodic treatments insuring a clean and healthy colon that will serve us well to keep us healthy.
Because many of us consider our colon an unpleasant topic, we tend to forget about this most important organ that detoxifies our body from toxic waste generated from our body itself and from our external environment.
Over a period of time, we develop a thick layer of fecal toxic matter that coats the colon. It hardens and becomes impacted, reducing the efficiency of the bowel and, in some cases, severely obstructs normal elimination of waste matter from the body. The colon then loses its ability to properly eliminate waste from the gastrointestinal tract.
Removing the layer of fecal matter that is coating the intestines allows detoxification and improved assimilation of the nutrients from foods and can alleviate symptoms of vitamin, mineral and other nutritional deficiencies.
When the colon becomes saturated with these accumulated buildups of waste matter, harmful toxins get absorbed into the bloodstream and expose the person to serious health risks.
The conclusion is that every single one of us should make every effort to get past our avoidance of this issue and insure that we stay healthy by regular colon hydrotherapy or a colonic. It’s far better to be alive and healthy rather than gravely ill or even dead.
The well known Dr. Norman Walker, who is a strong
advocate of keeping our colon clean, suggests that a schedule of 6
colonics spaced over two weeks, twice a year is ideal and that it should
be followed by at least one colonic per month for proper maintenance. I
recommend reading these books by Dr. Walker and The Inside Poop by
Scott Webb.
These books will give you the insight you need to better understand the importance of keeping your colon clean.You will be amazed at how much better you will feel and how much healthier you will become when you get rid of these poisons. I have a saying that goes, “get rid of your toxins, before they get rid of you”.
There are plentiful choices for you to select a qualified and experienced hydro therapist. Just go online and google “colonics” in your area for a list of experienced and certified technicians and make an appointment today. Your body will thank you immensely by giving you greater health and life quality for taking this specific action to eliminate these deadly toxins.
Avoiding toxins is also something we need to be aware of. There are strong toxins in the regular everyday cleaning products we use. Read the labels on the products you are using now and if they contain chemicals, replace them with non-toxic natural products. For your convenience, our store carries a broad line of natural, eco-friendly products that are compatible with life.
Read the labels on everything you buy that comes in contact with your skin or that you eat or breathe. If they contain chemicals, they should be replaced with 100% natural products that are not harmful to you or your family.
If you live close to a heavily traveled road, you should consider relocating to a quieter location where there is less pollution in the air. Exhaust fumes from cars and trucks and microscopic particulates from tires are very toxic and should be avoided. Protect yourself with air filters and move to a safer location when you can.
Avoid breathing second hand smoke because it is just as dangerous.
All municipal tap water should be avoided from drinking or coming in contact with your skin because it is treated with strong chemicals. If possible, install a filter for your drinking, bath or shower water.
Just reading labels and being aware of these simple things can greatly reduce your exposure to deadly toxins that can accumulate in your body over the years and cause life-threatening disease.
To have a healthy life, it is essential to avoid toxins through a proper organic raw foods diet and through regular colonic hydrotherapy visits.